I have been workin really hard lately and getting ready for school and I know that's no excuse but hey i'm sorry!!! Things are crazy....my supervisor got fired so I've had to pick up the slack and get us organized again....didn't really sign up for this but hey pay is good and i get a fuckin office!!!!!...
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I have been workin really hard lately and getting ready for school and I know that's no excuse but hey i'm sorry!!! Things are crazy....my supervisor got fired so I've had to pick up the slack and get us organized again....didn't really sign up for this but hey pay is good and i get a fuckin office!!!!!...
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heehee. Sounds like a lot going on. *hug*
Congratulations on your engagement. It couldn't have happened to two nicer people. 

oh my gawd smack my hands for taking this long to update!!!!!!!
Anyway, I got an A in my stats course and a B+ in my nutrition!!! Horrrrrraaayyyy...less stress....now registration and student loan applications to deal with and also working two jobs...wow stress just doesn't fuckin go away does it?!?! lol It's all good though because I am halfway through my program and it's all...
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Anyway, I got an A in my stats course and a B+ in my nutrition!!! Horrrrrraaayyyy...less stress....now registration and student loan applications to deal with and also working two jobs...wow stress just doesn't fuckin go away does it?!?! lol It's all good though because I am halfway through my program and it's all...
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Great news on your grades!
The story of how you and Joe met was really sweet. Having met him once, I think he's an awesome guy. You're lucky, but then, so is he!
Gilby Clarke was a guitarist for Guns n Roses. Now he's part of a judging panel for Rockstar Supernova, a reality show where he, Jason Newsted formerly of Metallica and Tommy Lee from Motley Crue are looking for a vocalist for their new group, Supernova. I'm hideously addicted to the show now.
The story of how you and Joe met was really sweet. Having met him once, I think he's an awesome guy. You're lucky, but then, so is he!

Gilby Clarke was a guitarist for Guns n Roses. Now he's part of a judging panel for Rockstar Supernova, a reality show where he, Jason Newsted formerly of Metallica and Tommy Lee from Motley Crue are looking for a vocalist for their new group, Supernova. I'm hideously addicted to the show now.

Thank you for your comment. Its really something, let me tell you, to see how many people have been reading my journals and can see PAST all the words that I write-- to see that what I'm telling is my actual life. I've tried to keep away from the glamourous words, and the complete suck-ass words, if that's possible. Really, this is a day to fucking day journey for me.
Being in AA has never been threatening to me, though I am aware that the whole "God thing" can sometimes be intimidating as some members like to shove that idea into the forground. What I believe-- is that yes, you do need to have a Higher Power, but it doesn't have to be God Himself. It can be the tree outside of your bedroom window-- just *something* that you can look to to calm you down, to talk to, etc. I've settled on my High Power being "All that is Love" because it's the strongest of our emotions. I try to think with it, speak with it, act with it. And when things go wrong, "What would LOVE do?"
The DaVinci Code, to me, took me to a world where I was CONSUMED by everything that the book had to offer. I've taken many French classes (in high school) and was familiar with the language and the country. I've also been an art student for the major part of my education (not a MAJOR of mine, but trust me, I'm schooled)-- so I was able to brush up on my Leonardo and found myself reading and turning to Google to look at paintings again to refresh my memory. Also, growing up with a religious education also helped. A lot. I've always had an open mind to Catholicism, and was familiar enough with the POINT of this book and knew about the controversy that it caused. It was, overall, a beautiful concerpt twisting around a "thriller/mysetery" sort of theme to keep the book moving along and was never boring. I read it in about a day and a half-- the first time that I've read so passionately in about 6 years... so not only did reading the book take me somewhere ELSE, it took me somewhere WITHIN MYSELF that I was able to explore.
Being in AA has never been threatening to me, though I am aware that the whole "God thing" can sometimes be intimidating as some members like to shove that idea into the forground. What I believe-- is that yes, you do need to have a Higher Power, but it doesn't have to be God Himself. It can be the tree outside of your bedroom window-- just *something* that you can look to to calm you down, to talk to, etc. I've settled on my High Power being "All that is Love" because it's the strongest of our emotions. I try to think with it, speak with it, act with it. And when things go wrong, "What would LOVE do?"
The DaVinci Code, to me, took me to a world where I was CONSUMED by everything that the book had to offer. I've taken many French classes (in high school) and was familiar with the language and the country. I've also been an art student for the major part of my education (not a MAJOR of mine, but trust me, I'm schooled)-- so I was able to brush up on my Leonardo and found myself reading and turning to Google to look at paintings again to refresh my memory. Also, growing up with a religious education also helped. A lot. I've always had an open mind to Catholicism, and was familiar enough with the POINT of this book and knew about the controversy that it caused. It was, overall, a beautiful concerpt twisting around a "thriller/mysetery" sort of theme to keep the book moving along and was never boring. I read it in about a day and a half-- the first time that I've read so passionately in about 6 years... so not only did reading the book take me somewhere ELSE, it took me somewhere WITHIN MYSELF that I was able to explore.
Hey boys and girlies!!!!
Joe and I just got back from a fantastic (but way too fast) trip to Winnipeg for some family get-togethers. We have decided that we need to get out more!!! lol Anyway I'm just waiting to hear the results of my stats final and am just about done my nutrition class and then I get to study A&P all summer!!! yayyyyyy.....damn...
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Joe and I just got back from a fantastic (but way too fast) trip to Winnipeg for some family get-togethers. We have decided that we need to get out more!!! lol Anyway I'm just waiting to hear the results of my stats final and am just about done my nutrition class and then I get to study A&P all summer!!! yayyyyyy.....damn...
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I hope you did well in your finals!

I cannot wait until I don't have to study anymore for this goddamn stats class!!!! Oi vay it is literally sucking the life outta me as we speak!! Well final on monday and then on to newer things involving more studying!! Hope everyone's doing great and I discovered a band that fuckin rocks!! They are Panic! At The Disco and for those who have heard...
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oh I remember stats. I worked my butt off in that class to stay afloat. I think I started enjoying it after awhile, but it certainly took a long time to get into it.
Thanks for the e-mail Hun, Im back online! Woo Hoo!!! I hate to study in general... but I really hate to study when its important!! Good luck, Im sure you will do great!
Hey everyone!!!!!!!
It's my honey's birthday today so send him some birthday wishes please!! I'm making him a diabetic birthday cake today..it's his fave!!!
yay for joekuma
It's my honey's birthday today so send him some birthday wishes please!! I'm making him a diabetic birthday cake today..it's his fave!!!
yay for joekuma
Hey everyone!
It's been so nutso that I've been a bad girl with the emails and the blogs lol. I'm taking this class in intersession to go towards my degree and holy shit if my brain is so full of math that I forget what I'm really taking!! This class is for those who choose to take higher education once they are a BN. Cripes,...
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It's been so nutso that I've been a bad girl with the emails and the blogs lol. I'm taking this class in intersession to go towards my degree and holy shit if my brain is so full of math that I forget what I'm really taking!! This class is for those who choose to take higher education once they are a BN. Cripes,...
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Sorry to hear that you and your friend are not to happy these days! Marrige is way to stressful if you ask me. I hope to never get married!
A rabbit eh? You should get one, they are sweet and loving. I had a polish dwarf bunny and she was darling.
Alright, I will talk to you later then. Have a great weekend!
A rabbit eh? You should get one, they are sweet and loving. I had a polish dwarf bunny and she was darling.
Alright, I will talk to you later then. Have a great weekend!
Ouch. The situation with your friend doesn't sound like a very good situation, all around.
Hello all!!
Things are much better now but I am also bored outta my mind! I've gone from freakshow student with no time to talk to housewife who is now watching General Hospital!! OI VAY can there not be a happy medium LOL
I'm listening to the new Neil Young album right now...wow it's good. Very politically charged on behalf of Canadians. I've also been...
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Things are much better now but I am also bored outta my mind! I've gone from freakshow student with no time to talk to housewife who is now watching General Hospital!! OI VAY can there not be a happy medium LOL
I'm listening to the new Neil Young album right now...wow it's good. Very politically charged on behalf of Canadians. I've also been...
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heehee I love the disclaimer at the end. I'm a large woman myself: 5'7 and 212. You're right, there's a shape for everyone.
I'm glad you're back.
I'm glad you're back.

HERE HERE!!! You said it Sista!
I just wanted to say hi, and Im really glad I did!
I just wanted to say hi, and Im really glad I did!
Well school is almost done and of course its finals time and I am stressed to the max! I am in clinical right now for a 3 week rotation and am dealing with a lot there AND finals AND took on a full time dispatch job AND a casual health care aide position. Thank gawd I've got Joe because otherwise I would be insane!!!...
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Well school is almost done and of course its finals time and I am stressed to the max! I am in clinical right now for a 3 week rotation and am dealing with a lot there AND finals AND took on a full time dispatch job AND a casual health care aide position. Thank gawd I've got Joe because otherwise I would be insane!!!...
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Things are going pretty well for me.
I'm off to visit my boy on Friday morning.
Sounds like you got a whole lot going on. Remember to take care of yourself and treat yourself well during any downtime, ie. don't let the stress get to you.

Sounds like you got a whole lot going on. Remember to take care of yourself and treat yourself well during any downtime, ie. don't let the stress get to you.

Hey all! Long time no journal but I've been uber busy with school and work and school and work and puter troubles and school and work and finding time to spend time with my bestest friend whom is also my honey and I just lost track of time with my fave website...(suicide girls) and decided to update.
Been listening to Jenny Lewis, Neko Case, Philosopher...
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Been listening to Jenny Lewis, Neko Case, Philosopher...
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Hi there.
I just noticed you're Joe's girl. Will you be my friend?

Holy smokes it's been forever since I actually wrote in here!! Sorry bout that, been busy with school and all those other stupid excuses. Hope all is well with everyone...just wanted to leave a quick note so that maybe someone will talk to me!!!!!!!!!!
So i leave you with this..........

So i leave you with this..........

hello all!! It's Valentines' Day. Another cheezy holiday meant to force anyone with a lover to buy chocolate and dinner and shit like that. I fuckin hate V-day! Always have. My Joseph is wonderful every day of the year therefore I don't need to celebrate a consumer holiday to prove and buy my love or force him to do the same. We have a plan...
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