I've been eating wayyy too much fast food it seems. I'm on the verge of not fitting in clothes. Time for me to exercise more or eat less! (I'm usually eating 2 meals a day plus some small snacks, which was enough to get really skinny in Scotland where I was walking miles and miles a day; but for New Mexico where if I go out it's by car, that seems to be more than I can manage.)
It's tricky at the moment because I have a weird toothache that actually seems to feel better when I eat. I'm going to go to the dentist again this week to see if something can be done -- I went to my regular dentist a couple times about it already and he didn't seem to think anything was wrong. So I'm trying someone new -- maybe he'll identify the problem. Whatever it is, it seems to be causing really rapid gum recession and that's worrying me, so hopefully we can halt or correct that.
Fast food will do that to you, but I seriously doubt you are fat at all!