Went out for drinks with a friend on Wednesday but my digestive system still doesn't seem to have recovered. I'm not a pass out/black out drunk, I'm more of a vomiting drunk. Thing was, I spent the night and most of the following day at her house, consequently I was left with little to settle my stomach (I need strong Irish Breakfast tea and eggs and bread -- that's what sets everything right again. She had none of these things at home.) While out, she introduced me to a couple guys and seemed amazed at how unimpressed I was with either of them. One of the fellows was carpooling with us back home at the end of the night, witnessed my drunken vomiting, and seemed astounded to realize that "you're actually like this" (meaning, a gloomy prudish intellectual) and it wasn't some act. He then tried to impress me with a Shakespeare quote -- "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." I replied with the first irrelevant Shakespeare that popped into my brain, "And now, like Nilus, it disdaineth bounds." I ought to have challenged him to start quoting Chaucer.
Anyway... not much happening all in all. Business is still too slow. Most major news is that I have slightly reshaped by eyebrows, because my whole face is crooked and I can't do anything about most of it without aid of a surgeon, but I can reshape my own eyebrows. I actually might attempt some surgery in the future -- I noticed that when I stuck a scar-bandage on the end of my nose, that extra millimeter added to the end was an improvement. I might try to see if there's something that can be done to make that be. I'm also wondering about laser treatments to get rid f all the freckles I have -- bleaching seems to only do so much, it lightens them but they're still there.