Happened across Mr. Hat this evening and this is the third time in a row I've seen him without any hats... (to his detriment; he was looking very sunburnt a couple days ago, his face and the top of his bald head.) He may require a new nickname at this rate.
I'm apparently burning way too many calories... yesterday I ate two peanut butter and honey sandwiches, some Butter Tablet, I think I ate a Happy Hippo... then for dinner I made creamed spinach and salmon, and after eating I was still hungry. I ended up going to KFC and getting a meal there -- 2 packets of French Fries and a BBQ chicken sandwich and a soda. I was still not full after eating, though at least not hungry anymore.
I'm apparently burning way too many calories... yesterday I ate two peanut butter and honey sandwiches, some Butter Tablet, I think I ate a Happy Hippo... then for dinner I made creamed spinach and salmon, and after eating I was still hungry. I ended up going to KFC and getting a meal there -- 2 packets of French Fries and a BBQ chicken sandwich and a soda. I was still not full after eating, though at least not hungry anymore.
The Mad Hatter, returns!
Awesomeness. I think I have seen that in action once or twice.