So I started out writing a novel, but then realized I don't really like writing novels and began writing it as a screenplay instead, because that's what I'm better at.
But the story is making a really crap screenplay because the premise is that most of the trouble is just being imagined by the main character (appropriate for a novel), so there's not much tension or anything going on to move things. The best I can do is occasionally the main character talks to a friend and winds up convinced of some new development, but since it's not real his followup precautions against it aren't that impressive either. It would probably be a good story for someone who is good at writing jokes -- just a skeleton of a plot over which many amusing incidents can be placed, kind of like The Sweetest Thing.
But the story is making a really crap screenplay because the premise is that most of the trouble is just being imagined by the main character (appropriate for a novel), so there's not much tension or anything going on to move things. The best I can do is occasionally the main character talks to a friend and winds up convinced of some new development, but since it's not real his followup precautions against it aren't that impressive either. It would probably be a good story for someone who is good at writing jokes -- just a skeleton of a plot over which many amusing incidents can be placed, kind of like The Sweetest Thing.