While reposting my more interesting photographs from France last year, and came across this which is one of my favorite photos of me:
Awful a time as I had in France, I like the look of that photo -- the colors of the sky and gloves are very bright.
I started writing a novel -- everyone's been bugging me to write something while in Edinburgh, I guess because J.K. Rowling's proximity makes for good feng shui or something. I wrote about 7 pages and was getting really bored with it, so I switched over to screenplay format since I am much more accustomed to that. Maybe afterwards I'll go back and novelize it.
Awful a time as I had in France, I like the look of that photo -- the colors of the sky and gloves are very bright.
I started writing a novel -- everyone's been bugging me to write something while in Edinburgh, I guess because J.K. Rowling's proximity makes for good feng shui or something. I wrote about 7 pages and was getting really bored with it, so I switched over to screenplay format since I am much more accustomed to that. Maybe afterwards I'll go back and novelize it.
Hope you're doing OK