So I have a somewhat unfortunate combination of being both not a very hungry person in general, and being a total cheapskate. (Plus I get to be all afret about money even more than usual now that I have real bills to pay... it's the 11th and I've made about $23 this month, Christ...) Result was that somewhere around last Thursday I realized the reason I would get to about South Bridge or so and suddenly feel like passing out was because if I'm going to be freezing all night at home and roaming around in the streets all day, I can't get by on 300 calories worth of potato as my full day's ration. So I immediately fixed up a batch of macaroni and cheese, this being cheap fatty high-calorie stuff. But now I'm getting really sick of eating it... that recipe made probably 6 servings which can easily mean macaroni every day. I need to locate cheap veggies meanwhile -- both just in general because you need minerals in your diet, and because that might be a way to dress up the macaroni to an edible condition. I was looking at broccoli, the whole stuff not the pre-chopped, and it was priced both places I looked (Sainsbury's and Margiotta) at 1. For one thing of broccoli! I might try my luck at Scotmid tomorrow, see if I find better prices on vegetation there. It's been bread (or potato), cheese, eggs, and the occasional chocolate mallow since I got to town though... today was the first day I started feeling like having meat at all. Maybe I can acquire some cheap ham or something. I might have to make a trip back to Poundland (which sounds like a porn shop but in fact it's a place where everything costs 1. That is a good deal for much of the merchandise there, though if you go to Pound Stretcher instead you sometimes find the same goods for cheaper.)
If you can find food street markets they are all ways cheaper than supermarkets, but are not normally there on a daily basis, so you may have to plan your shop to match the market days. I wish you luck