I wish this housing thing in Scotland were going more quickly... I found a room that I think suits me, but the guy doesn't want to make his decision right away (I suspect he doesn't think me ideal for whatever reason and hopes for a better candidate) so I have to keep looking... the majority of people I inquire with never answer me back though. And many of the ones who do, when I look at photos of the room they're offering I can see why no one else has wanted it.
My acne seems to be getting marginally better... I've at least not gotten any of the really deep nodule eruptions in a few days. A mixture of witch hazel and Hungary Water applied seems to be helping -- it's apparently reducing them to just regular pimples if I blast them with it early enough; usually when the pain and itching first begin but no discoloration is yet visible.
I still have a mini bottle of Glayva left over from last time in Scotland. I'm wondering if I should try to drink it before going or leave it behind for maybe my parents or someone. Glayva seems to be a little rare even in Scotland -- I had trouble locating any in regular liquor stores, only touristy joints like the Whiskey Experience shop (where I tasted it) and some whiskey-and-kilts shop on Princes Street (where I bought the bottle because it was way cheaper) had any that I found.
Today I bought some heavy socks, so I think I'll be okay for the rest of winter as far as walking around in Santa Fe or Scotland. I posted a photo on my last blog post of my "cold weather" outfit (which was assembled in Minnesota to try to stay warm even in that awful weather.) Yes, even I look a little weird in it -- I think the elements are all medieval in nature (fur-lined silver cape, which I copied from a manuscript that's in the Morgan Library, I think the hood and hat combo I saw on a picture of the Canterbury pilgrims. If it's actually cold that's the best outfit to have. My floral jacket -- still in limbo, I don't think my dad has inquired with that seamstress about the lining yet because, amusingly, it's been too cold for him to go out -- looks nicer really, but it's not nearly as warm. And it looks stupid with the hood, so I can't wear the hood with it (whereas the hood matches nicely with the cape.) Maybe in Spring I'll wear the jacket.
I can't decide if I want to buy a bunch of dram bottles and pour a bit of my occult oils into each of them, and have it sent along for use in Scotland -- the alternative is probably to use powders instead of oils for the duration of the visit, and just buy whatever herbs I need as needed and make any formulas myself -- pound them, mix them with talc and dust it on. There are lots of conjure formulas, and I'd expect they're harder to come by in Scotland -- Crown of Success, Glow of Attraction, Fire of Love, Devil's Shoestring etc. Where I have seen them listed on UK sites, they've been that awful Anna Riva cheapo brand that I don't like (if I'm buying the cheapo brands, I want 7 Sisters of New Orleans. But even then it's not so cheap once you have it in the UK, it's like $6 for that crap...)
Still so many things to figure out... I also probably need to begin sorting through my books to figure out what to take and what to leave.
My acne seems to be getting marginally better... I've at least not gotten any of the really deep nodule eruptions in a few days. A mixture of witch hazel and Hungary Water applied seems to be helping -- it's apparently reducing them to just regular pimples if I blast them with it early enough; usually when the pain and itching first begin but no discoloration is yet visible.
I still have a mini bottle of Glayva left over from last time in Scotland. I'm wondering if I should try to drink it before going or leave it behind for maybe my parents or someone. Glayva seems to be a little rare even in Scotland -- I had trouble locating any in regular liquor stores, only touristy joints like the Whiskey Experience shop (where I tasted it) and some whiskey-and-kilts shop on Princes Street (where I bought the bottle because it was way cheaper) had any that I found.
Today I bought some heavy socks, so I think I'll be okay for the rest of winter as far as walking around in Santa Fe or Scotland. I posted a photo on my last blog post of my "cold weather" outfit (which was assembled in Minnesota to try to stay warm even in that awful weather.) Yes, even I look a little weird in it -- I think the elements are all medieval in nature (fur-lined silver cape, which I copied from a manuscript that's in the Morgan Library, I think the hood and hat combo I saw on a picture of the Canterbury pilgrims. If it's actually cold that's the best outfit to have. My floral jacket -- still in limbo, I don't think my dad has inquired with that seamstress about the lining yet because, amusingly, it's been too cold for him to go out -- looks nicer really, but it's not nearly as warm. And it looks stupid with the hood, so I can't wear the hood with it (whereas the hood matches nicely with the cape.) Maybe in Spring I'll wear the jacket.
I can't decide if I want to buy a bunch of dram bottles and pour a bit of my occult oils into each of them, and have it sent along for use in Scotland -- the alternative is probably to use powders instead of oils for the duration of the visit, and just buy whatever herbs I need as needed and make any formulas myself -- pound them, mix them with talc and dust it on. There are lots of conjure formulas, and I'd expect they're harder to come by in Scotland -- Crown of Success, Glow of Attraction, Fire of Love, Devil's Shoestring etc. Where I have seen them listed on UK sites, they've been that awful Anna Riva cheapo brand that I don't like (if I'm buying the cheapo brands, I want 7 Sisters of New Orleans. But even then it's not so cheap once you have it in the UK, it's like $6 for that crap...)
Still so many things to figure out... I also probably need to begin sorting through my books to figure out what to take and what to leave.
Glad to hear your acne's clearing up!