I've decided to be Sargent's "Madame X" for Halloween this year. This means I need to learn how to cram myself back into my 18 inch corset, since it's the only one with the right kind of shape (not to mention to give the right proportions.) I have it at about 19 already, maybe in a day or two I'll be ready to make the pattern over it.
Also talked on the phone with a fortune teller guy a friend of mine recommended. He indicates that this house isn't so bug-infested as I thought, those little scurrying dark shapes I'm constantly seeing out of the corners of my eyes are the ghost I picked up in Scotland.
Also talked on the phone with a fortune teller guy a friend of mine recommended. He indicates that this house isn't so bug-infested as I thought, those little scurrying dark shapes I'm constantly seeing out of the corners of my eyes are the ghost I picked up in Scotland.
How would you be able to use him? As a guide?
Yes, I remember. Mmaybe he could talk to my Scottish ancestors.....or even my closest relatives?