It had been a while since I translated Eugenie, and I was beginning to worry I'd lost most of my French. But after a few days working on my new translation project, the Petit Albert, I'm starting to regain it; I'm only occasionally having to look up the words in my array of dictionaries, usually just to find better synonyms.
Other worthy events: some person, who I think is like a prank caller but with emails, sent me a variety of stupid spellcast requests over several months. I had assumed that it was just another idiot, rather than someone deliberately trolling, until today after I turned down their latest request -- to cast a spell where they could sell their soul to the devil for fame -- and received back from them a request, "How about I give you $50 and you send me a picture of your pussy?" To that I told them to check out Suicide Girls, and then blocked their email address.
Other worthy events: some person, who I think is like a prank caller but with emails, sent me a variety of stupid spellcast requests over several months. I had assumed that it was just another idiot, rather than someone deliberately trolling, until today after I turned down their latest request -- to cast a spell where they could sell their soul to the devil for fame -- and received back from them a request, "How about I give you $50 and you send me a picture of your pussy?" To that I told them to check out Suicide Girls, and then blocked their email address.
Now that's what I call "pussy" pics!!!