The cast had our first meeting for the commedia play. I made chocolate chip cookies (Using the Good Eats recipe) for everyone to eat while we assigned the parts and decided on lazzi and props that I'll need to get. We've got everyone figured out now, and so on Saturday we're going to start looking for costumes. I'm a little worried since, as I think I mentioned before, the costume shop we're going to is one I used to work at and which I did not leave on happy terms; but, since I am going as a customer rather than an employee, I hopefully will get treated a bit better. (Though that awful Richard will probably gossip about how fat and ugly everyone is as soon as we leave, that's something he always did.)
I've also been working on making Julia's Arlecchino mask, and tonight I decided on this really uncomfortable makeup look for the role I'm to play:

There needs to be some alternate version of Clockwork Orange where Alex's eyes are watering from those fake lashes the whole time. Two sets is particularly uncomfortable.
I've also been working on making Julia's Arlecchino mask, and tonight I decided on this really uncomfortable makeup look for the role I'm to play:

There needs to be some alternate version of Clockwork Orange where Alex's eyes are watering from those fake lashes the whole time. Two sets is particularly uncomfortable.