Today's shoot is all done! Got a suitable number of pictures from it -- probably a half-dozen to ten "usable" ones which, really is all I can probably handle or need, otherwise the rest of my life will be spent in the W21 computer lab. The goal was always to photoshop the hell out out of them so they'd look like old paintings, but here's one that looks fine when just given a quick desaturation:

It's interesting, to me, how different -- and how much nicer -- my chest and shoulders look when overpainted with a ton of makeup; they are usually all blotchy and freckled thanks to my parents sending me to that all-day "Beach Blast" summer program as a kid. Also bearing in these pictures a ton of makeup, my cheeks. The quantity of blush I was wearing looked practically clown-like in person, and when I first finished applying it I immediately inclined to wipe it off and start over, but then remembered "Talia! You've been here before! This blush is going to totally wash out once you're in the sun and will probably be barely noticeable!" For the most part I was correct, and even in the photos where it did maintain its darkness (usually if I was in a shadow) the intended Photoshoppery will fix that.
I have three photos that look will make a good base for a Gainsborough-style portrait. Also got a lot of Bouguereau-esque shots due to the lighting.

It's interesting, to me, how different -- and how much nicer -- my chest and shoulders look when overpainted with a ton of makeup; they are usually all blotchy and freckled thanks to my parents sending me to that all-day "Beach Blast" summer program as a kid. Also bearing in these pictures a ton of makeup, my cheeks. The quantity of blush I was wearing looked practically clown-like in person, and when I first finished applying it I immediately inclined to wipe it off and start over, but then remembered "Talia! You've been here before! This blush is going to totally wash out once you're in the sun and will probably be barely noticeable!" For the most part I was correct, and even in the photos where it did maintain its darkness (usually if I was in a shadow) the intended Photoshoppery will fix that.
I have three photos that look will make a good base for a Gainsborough-style portrait. Also got a lot of Bouguereau-esque shots due to the lighting.
Beach Blast Blush. That sounds marketable. This fetching portrait could sell a warehouse full.