It being already Wednesday, and the fellow I wanted to call back still not having confirmed he can make it to an audition Saturday, I've decided to cancel the Saturday film auditions altogether.
I am going to try reposting the casting calls, with more specific wording, to see if I can get some better people. We got way too many people from Albuquerque who can't travel easy enough (I, and all elements of the film, are in Santa Fe) and frankly there were only about 8 people in the first place who had even been worth looking at, most of whom didn't show to the auditions because they're in Albuquerque.
Furthermore, to annoy me even more, I think some scammy casting website went and reposted my email address as someone looking for actors, but didn't include the text of what I am looking for. I've been getting a bunch of really ethnic looking people (one Indian guy even sent a sample photo done up in full Last of the Mohicans loincloth beaded hair crap; another, a black guy dressed in full Rastafarian 70s drug addict clothing) all entirely inappropriate to playing 18th century British aristocrats, who don't seem to even be aware what they are auditioning for and just say something like "I want to act/model." I've been emailing them back asking where the hell the got my email address so I can find who's been putting it out there, but none yet have answered.
I am going to try reposting the casting calls, with more specific wording, to see if I can get some better people. We got way too many people from Albuquerque who can't travel easy enough (I, and all elements of the film, are in Santa Fe) and frankly there were only about 8 people in the first place who had even been worth looking at, most of whom didn't show to the auditions because they're in Albuquerque.
Furthermore, to annoy me even more, I think some scammy casting website went and reposted my email address as someone looking for actors, but didn't include the text of what I am looking for. I've been getting a bunch of really ethnic looking people (one Indian guy even sent a sample photo done up in full Last of the Mohicans loincloth beaded hair crap; another, a black guy dressed in full Rastafarian 70s drug addict clothing) all entirely inappropriate to playing 18th century British aristocrats, who don't seem to even be aware what they are auditioning for and just say something like "I want to act/model." I've been emailing them back asking where the hell the got my email address so I can find who's been putting it out there, but none yet have answered.
You know... a black rasta man in period clothes could really turn the mood of the piece on its head.
There is almost a movie in the making in the making of this movie.