I am working on a new book. I was trying to pick something easy, but then I got the idea to add illustrations. That's always a pain -- they take forever, you have to scan them or (slower still) draw them on the computer. It's much faster to slap down a coat of paint than to use that "fill" option and then have to go back through and touch up all the places the software missed. I kind of wish for the old days of just gluing things down and sending them to the printer. (In fact that's what's keeping me from assembling that Titus Andronicus project I've had in a drawer for 5 years. There's no good way for me to scan so many images in high quality and piece them together how I want.)
I've been having a good week selling card readings -- there are any number of causes to which that is attributable. Makes me money, too, and that is ever a good thing. I might pay off the dentist soon -- and then go back to get this broken filling taken care of. (The tooth really needs to be given a crown, which takes thousands, unfortunately.)
Annnd... that's as interesting as anything's being hereabout. Oh wait -- if you're shopping with Amazon at all, use this link: http://astore.amazon.com/talstar-20
You don't have to buy anything in the astore, just click the amazon link on the top left-hand side and anything you buy after that is counted as one of my referrals. Then I get 50 cents or whatever.
I've been having a good week selling card readings -- there are any number of causes to which that is attributable. Makes me money, too, and that is ever a good thing. I might pay off the dentist soon -- and then go back to get this broken filling taken care of. (The tooth really needs to be given a crown, which takes thousands, unfortunately.)
Annnd... that's as interesting as anything's being hereabout. Oh wait -- if you're shopping with Amazon at all, use this link: http://astore.amazon.com/talstar-20
You don't have to buy anything in the astore, just click the amazon link on the top left-hand side and anything you buy after that is counted as one of my referrals. Then I get 50 cents or whatever.
I'm glad you've had a good week.
And as far as the book... your perfectionism is showing. And I greatly admire that.