Finally got more dentist money together, will be going in early December hopefully to get those fillings I've been needing.
Added new section to Amazon Associates store in which I improvised as best I could some occult supplies out of the standard stock. Managed to actually find some neat stuff -- makes me wish I could buy from my own store. Link: http://astore.amazon.com/talstar-20?_encoding=UTF8&node=4
Sending "Deathrowave" script, hopefully, to Fred Dekker (most famous for the movies "House" and "Monster Squad.") I suppose he won't understand it either. I wish I'd never written that damned script.
Sang some Rossini at a benefit for Warehouse 21 ( http://www.warehouse21.org ) but don't think I did very well because I was nervous and so didn't have enough air to hit the notes strongly. Ana, the director person, tried to introduce me to some guy from the opera, but that always goes badly as I have nothing in common with people who like opera -- myself, it's not so much that I like opera]/i] as it is that I like music written before 1820, and most operas that opera folks like came about much later.
And otherwise, fretting over what to get people for Christmas. Some of this present giving stuff is just kind of stupid -- is there anything that I can afford that my grandparents really need or want? Even if I humor them with drawings or painting I made they just throw them in a drawer someplace and no one ever sees them again. But I'm obliged to give them presents because they give me presents. Seems like there should be some way to call the whole thing off, frankly. (And that thought caused me to get the Oingo Boingo song 'Whole Day Off' stuck in my head.)
Finally got more dentist money together, will be going in early December hopefully to get those fillings I've been needing.
Added new section to Amazon Associates store in which I improvised as best I could some occult supplies out of the standard stock. Managed to actually find some neat stuff -- makes me wish I could buy from my own store. Link: http://astore.amazon.com/talstar-20?_encoding=UTF8&node=4
Sending "Deathrowave" script, hopefully, to Fred Dekker (most famous for the movies "House" and "Monster Squad.") I suppose he won't understand it either. I wish I'd never written that damned script.
Sang some Rossini at a benefit for Warehouse 21 ( http://www.warehouse21.org ) but don't think I did very well because I was nervous and so didn't have enough air to hit the notes strongly. Ana, the director person, tried to introduce me to some guy from the opera, but that always goes badly as I have nothing in common with people who like opera -- myself, it's not so much that I like opera]/i] as it is that I like music written before 1820, and most operas that opera folks like came about much later.
And otherwise, fretting over what to get people for Christmas. Some of this present giving stuff is just kind of stupid -- is there anything that I can afford that my grandparents really need or want? Even if I humor them with drawings or painting I made they just throw them in a drawer someplace and no one ever sees them again. But I'm obliged to give them presents because they give me presents. Seems like there should be some way to call the whole thing off, frankly. (And that thought caused me to get the Oingo Boingo song 'Whole Day Off' stuck in my head.)