That Google redirect virus is back! This time I have taken to writing complaint letters to every single site I get redirected to. By the way, Yahoo is lame and I don't know how they can run a business where you need to make an account and sign in to provide site feedback. (Though frankly Google's worse -- if you get adsense, which is a thing where real money and financial info is involved, there's absolutely no way to contact a real person for support; just those crummy forums where the main posters are all people who don't speak English and provide unhelpful responses to their misunderstandings of your questions.)
I'm assuming these redirect viruses are made by people who then sell those "we guarantee our ad package will increase your site traffic 200%!!!" an unsuspecting site owners do business with them, not knowing it just means the company just plants a virus in people's computers that forces unwilling and usually uninterested people there. Today I was searching for a picture of the 6 of cups tarot card and got taken to by the virus.
I'm assuming these redirect viruses are made by people who then sell those "we guarantee our ad package will increase your site traffic 200%!!!" an unsuspecting site owners do business with them, not knowing it just means the company just plants a virus in people's computers that forces unwilling and usually uninterested people there. Today I was searching for a picture of the 6 of cups tarot card and got taken to by the virus.