I cannot stand Craigslist any longer. I never have successfully hired or sold anything through those guys; either no one pays any attention to my adverts at all, or only Nigerian scammers pay attention to them; or they get the attention of someone who seems to be just flagging whatever random crap they see. Recently I posted an ad looking to hire bloggers to post advertisements for $5 apiece. Some guy, who seemed to just be looking through ads that offered $5 in order to complain, regardless what the work was, sent me this ranting Email from the address "idiotsoncraigslist@yahoo.com" asking how I'd like it if I would get $5 for cleaning a whole house. Then right after this I got a notice that my ad had been flagged and removed, I would suspect by this same guy.
Craigslist sucks. Guess you get what you pay for, though.
Craigslist sucks. Guess you get what you pay for, though.
god i hate craigs list....worst thing ever