I had gotten the $300 Acer computer, but after seeing it seemed to be doing nothing but freaking me the hell out, my dad took me to return it today. I think I might just see if my sister will give me her old Mac, it's a 5 year old model but really would probably be more than adequate for my needs. She's had a newer one for some time now, I think her old one's just in a box in the basement someplace. Buying computers seems to be an activity meant for much richer, happier people than myself.
I did get a dress though, that was something that I did like. I'd been wanting for several years a particular sort of gown called an Avon Jupon, but they usually retail for $225 (though I had spotted one for as low as $185.) I found on Ebay, however, a very mildly damaged one discounted to $100 -- the damage was only on the trim which I figured would be easy to replace. Once it came, the damage was even less than it had appeared in the listing, and just needed 4 minutes worth of stitiching to tack it back down. I made quite an impression wearing it at the KFC.
I did get a dress though, that was something that I did like. I'd been wanting for several years a particular sort of gown called an Avon Jupon, but they usually retail for $225 (though I had spotted one for as low as $185.) I found on Ebay, however, a very mildly damaged one discounted to $100 -- the damage was only on the trim which I figured would be easy to replace. Once it came, the damage was even less than it had appeared in the listing, and just needed 4 minutes worth of stitiching to tack it back down. I made quite an impression wearing it at the KFC.
I think that would have been a very interesting KFC in which to be in attendance, indeed.