since I burn oil lamps for meditation as well as candles, we've given up keeping the walls clean...we just repaint once in a while (and that doesn't even work so well).
I hope that you and your family find a safe and comfy landing spot!
Many good thoughts for you as you endure this. Hang in there.
It's so weird to get immersed in something on the computer, then look up and realize with surprise half your room is gone.

Actually to say half might even be incorrect, the better majority of the things in my room are out. It's mostly just the large furniture, and items that I'm going to need till the end, that remain. There are still a few...
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Funny, my lava lamp is one of my most cherished items, and always one of the last to be packed. That, and the weird little figurines that cavort on my shelves.
My bedroom just keeps getting brighter and brighter as I pull down more and more of the decorations. It is weird and kind of unpleasant.

Apparently the sheriff is going to be here on Monday to make sure we're out of the house.

We looked at a house today, with dirt floors, that had reasonably sized "bedrooms", but only one bathroom, and it was located...
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Good luck with finding a new place to live smile
Looked at another house today. Luckily (?) my parents insisted it smelled like mold so we probably won't be moving in there -- I saw it and sensed it was probably about as good as we're likely to get for the price, but the room that would be mine was so small -- I'd have to get rid of my books or my spellcast supplies,...
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Looked at a house with the family today, that was in our price range and was supposedly a 2 bedroom. It was more like a 1 1/2 bedroom (the second "bedroom" had a washing machine in it, and maybe could have contained a bed as well, but nothing else.) The entire house was actually about the size of the bedroom I stayed in when I...
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Best of luck with the finding a place to reside thing. That's probably my least favourite thing to do, moving, hopefully it is a nice smooth transition.
Today the packing has begun in earnest. We have about 9 days to vacate the house.
Best of luck to you smile
So for my Gibson Girl blog, I have created my first makeup tutorial promo video:

I really liked your tutorial. I think you are just lovely. <3
loved the tutorial. i love your edwardian aesthetic. YOU should be the one living in my 1890's house, not me wink
I've been trying to figure out what kind of posts on my Goth blog would draw the most people, and have been trying out some variety. It had been looking, sadly, like stock articles were doing the best. But I reposted a little humor piece I'd found about goth problems and suddenly got two followers! And then consistently the St. Trinian's post seems to be...
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Home Living For Goths Episode #12: How to keep your whites black and your blacks blacker.
It had been a while since I translated Eugenie, and I was beginning to worry I'd lost most of my French. But after a few days working on my new translation project, the Petit Albert, I'm starting to regain it; I'm only occasionally having to look up the words in my array of dictionaries, usually just to find better synonyms.

Other worthy events: some...
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Maybe you should have taken the $50 and then sent a picture of a cat (perhaps one of the pics at MyCatHatesYou dot com). Hee hee biggrin
Here are some examples of what I mean... Luthien and Pie.

Now that's what I call "pussy" pics!!! biggrin
Apparently the post that's drawing the most visitors to my Goth Blog is the one where I recount an ancient Egyptian remedy for anal pain caused by demons.

I wonder if any of them actually tried it.
I have heard this is a common occurrence around tax time....
Knowing it was that time of year again when I can start applying for translation grants, I went to check on the info I'd need to put together. To my horror, the NEA has changed their requirements for the translation grants. They require that you have published a translation already, and now they have changed it that specifically, you cannot have self-published the translation. So,...
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