today is apparently the Most Depressing Day of the Year, according to a mathematical formula that states:
"The formula for the day of misery reads 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA.
Where W is weather, D is debt - minus the money (d) due on January's pay day - and T is the time since Christmas. Q is the period since the failure to quit a bad habit, M stands for general motivational levels and NA is the need to take action and do something about it."
this is true in our lives at least, as the last few weeks have been mildly crappy leading up to very crappy- my nephew lucas' illness, babymama drama, d's car broken, k getting that awful barking cough, mounting bills and bounced checks because my husband hasn't received child support in two months (this money situation has effectively nixed my dreams of going to ireland this spring, and hell even to florida to see my parents in the fall, as we have no savings left and have to spend every dime on essentials), worries about infertility, etc. etc. etc.
but, if today is the worst day, then from here on it must be looking up, right?
"The formula for the day of misery reads 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA.
Where W is weather, D is debt - minus the money (d) due on January's pay day - and T is the time since Christmas. Q is the period since the failure to quit a bad habit, M stands for general motivational levels and NA is the need to take action and do something about it."
this is true in our lives at least, as the last few weeks have been mildly crappy leading up to very crappy- my nephew lucas' illness, babymama drama, d's car broken, k getting that awful barking cough, mounting bills and bounced checks because my husband hasn't received child support in two months (this money situation has effectively nixed my dreams of going to ireland this spring, and hell even to florida to see my parents in the fall, as we have no savings left and have to spend every dime on essentials), worries about infertility, etc. etc. etc.
but, if today is the worst day, then from here on it must be looking up, right?
Yeah it gets frustrating. We've been trying for almost 3 years now. We did it half hearted for a year, charted and "tried" seriously for the second year to have it end in tragedy, and then we have been just "letting it happen" again this past year. I found out back in May that I have a condition that makes it harder for me to conceive and carry early. So it's easier for me mentally to not "try" as in chart, and keep checking, that sort of thing. I just want to end up Preggers some day.
Hopefully before I'm 30!

hmm...i hate depressing days