just now, the "matchmaker" showed up on my tamagotchi's screen
and asked my Mametchi
if it loved Mimitchi
so i said yes, and a heart appeared above their heads, then some fireworks, and now my Mametchi has a baby girl. hilarious.
k left her tamagotchi at our house yesterday, and was with her mom last night, so i've been taking care of it. i hope the matchmaker shows up to hook up her Masktchi
in non-tamagotchi news, d and i are leaving for niagara falls tomorrow morning. we are going to my cousin's wedding in rochester, ny, on saturday and decided to break up the drive by having a little side trip to ourselves. i think i'm really looking forward to spending some alone-time with d, 'cause i had a frustration dream this morning that d's parents showed up in niagara falls with k and demanded we spend all of our time with them, and d was also intent on flying around in this oddly shaped dream helicopter that had no doors so that k and i were hanging on for dear life. i finally yelled at him in the dream that we went to niagara fucking falls and didn't even see the falls. how funny. i'm sure that the actual trip will be more fun.

and asked my Mametchi

so i said yes, and a heart appeared above their heads, then some fireworks, and now my Mametchi has a baby girl. hilarious.
k left her tamagotchi at our house yesterday, and was with her mom last night, so i've been taking care of it. i hope the matchmaker shows up to hook up her Masktchi

in non-tamagotchi news, d and i are leaving for niagara falls tomorrow morning. we are going to my cousin's wedding in rochester, ny, on saturday and decided to break up the drive by having a little side trip to ourselves. i think i'm really looking forward to spending some alone-time with d, 'cause i had a frustration dream this morning that d's parents showed up in niagara falls with k and demanded we spend all of our time with them, and d was also intent on flying around in this oddly shaped dream helicopter that had no doors so that k and i were hanging on for dear life. i finally yelled at him in the dream that we went to niagara fucking falls and didn't even see the falls. how funny. i'm sure that the actual trip will be more fun.
I haven't been to Niagra Falls since I was a little kid. I hear it's completely different now. I remember going to the wax museum and Ripley's Believe it or not and taking the Maid of the Mist trip to the falls.