i didnt know you were with child. congratulations. i miss you and i love you!

one of those meme thingies.
1) Using your Current Initials, choose a different name for yourself.
Millicent Filene Badger
2) If you were born outside of your era, when would you want to be born and why?
Regency Great Britain (1811 to 1825), so that I could star in my own Jane Austen story. & OMG the dresses I could wear.
3) If you ran...
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1) Using your Current Initials, choose a different name for yourself.
Millicent Filene Badger
2) If you were born outside of your era, when would you want to be born and why?
Regency Great Britain (1811 to 1825), so that I could star in my own Jane Austen story. & OMG the dresses I could wear.
3) If you ran...
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1) Using your Current Initials, choose a different name for yourself.
Wyeth Elmer Zartan
2) If you were born outside of your era, when would you want to be born and why?
A thousand years from now, so I could see whether or not we survive.
3) If you ran a store, what would you sell/have?
Books. (Mostly pulp horror and science fiction, occult, movies, you get the idea.)
4) What part in a movie would you love to play?
I would get just enough screen-time for my chest to explode in the next Alien movie.
5) In your opinion, why do people suck?
Because they are smart enough to learn things and too arrogant to forget them.
6) If you had your own state, what would you put on your new quarter?
A Brown Recluse Spider.
7) Whats the oldest article of clothing you own?
Fucked if I know...
8) What piece of furniture have you replaced the most?
Probably the couch.
9) What instrument do you wish you could be more than great at?
10) Record, Tape or Cd?
11) What do you think would be the best concert ever? (max: 4 bands)
Spiritualized, Love and Rockets, the Pixies and the Jesus and Marychain.
12) What's the best part of your favorite movie?
"If intruder organism reaches populated areas, entire world population infected 27,000 hours from first contact."
13) What do you think is the most over-rated candy ever?
Tootsie rolls.
14) If you were writing out your will, who would you give your CD collection to?
15) If you could only debate two topics the rest of your life, what would they be?
1. Why we shouldn't survive.
2. Why I must survive.
16) Out of your friends, who would you say you are most jealous of, artistically?
Oliver Calhoun.
17) Most jealous of....intellectually?
Meagan Costea.
18) What do you collect?
Basses, CD's, Alien stuff, DVDs, sadness...
19) What is broken that you have, that you wish was fixed?
My shower drain...
20) What do you do when you're homesick?
I am home...
21) Why does this survey rock?
I don't know...
22) Story behind your username?
Take a wild guess...
23) Current Favorite Article of Clothing?
My velvet jacket...
24) Line from the last thing you wrote for someone?
I haven't written anything for someone in a long time...
25) A famous person you have met?
Chris Squire...
26) Favorite way to waste time?
Watching DVDs I've seen hundreds of times already and playing my basses...
27) Last thing you bought yourself?
A Gretsch Electromatic Junior-Jet Bass guitar.
[Edited on Jun 02, 2005 2:52PM]
[Edited on Jun 02, 2005 2:53PM]
Wyeth Elmer Zartan
2) If you were born outside of your era, when would you want to be born and why?
A thousand years from now, so I could see whether or not we survive.
3) If you ran a store, what would you sell/have?
Books. (Mostly pulp horror and science fiction, occult, movies, you get the idea.)
4) What part in a movie would you love to play?
I would get just enough screen-time for my chest to explode in the next Alien movie.
5) In your opinion, why do people suck?
Because they are smart enough to learn things and too arrogant to forget them.
6) If you had your own state, what would you put on your new quarter?
A Brown Recluse Spider.
7) Whats the oldest article of clothing you own?
Fucked if I know...
8) What piece of furniture have you replaced the most?
Probably the couch.
9) What instrument do you wish you could be more than great at?
10) Record, Tape or Cd?
11) What do you think would be the best concert ever? (max: 4 bands)
Spiritualized, Love and Rockets, the Pixies and the Jesus and Marychain.
12) What's the best part of your favorite movie?
"If intruder organism reaches populated areas, entire world population infected 27,000 hours from first contact."
13) What do you think is the most over-rated candy ever?
Tootsie rolls.
14) If you were writing out your will, who would you give your CD collection to?
15) If you could only debate two topics the rest of your life, what would they be?
1. Why we shouldn't survive.
2. Why I must survive.
16) Out of your friends, who would you say you are most jealous of, artistically?
Oliver Calhoun.
17) Most jealous of....intellectually?
Meagan Costea.
18) What do you collect?
Basses, CD's, Alien stuff, DVDs, sadness...
19) What is broken that you have, that you wish was fixed?
My shower drain...
20) What do you do when you're homesick?
I am home...
21) Why does this survey rock?
I don't know...
22) Story behind your username?
Take a wild guess...
23) Current Favorite Article of Clothing?
My velvet jacket...
24) Line from the last thing you wrote for someone?
I haven't written anything for someone in a long time...
25) A famous person you have met?
Chris Squire...
26) Favorite way to waste time?
Watching DVDs I've seen hundreds of times already and playing my basses...
27) Last thing you bought yourself?
A Gretsch Electromatic Junior-Jet Bass guitar.
[Edited on Jun 02, 2005 2:52PM]
[Edited on Jun 02, 2005 2:53PM]
take over the place
You're soooo kool!
If I was a hot chick I'd wanna be just like you!!!

If I was a hot chick I'd wanna be just like you!!!
have you heard type o negative's version of angry inch? it's funny.
well i know that it is freezing but i think we'll have to walk
i keep waving at the taxis, they keep turning their lights off
but julie knows a party at some actor's west-side loft
supplies are endless in the evening by the morning they'll be gone
when everything is lonely i can be my own best friend
get a coffee and the paper...
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i keep waving at the taxis, they keep turning their lights off
but julie knows a party at some actor's west-side loft
supplies are endless in the evening by the morning they'll be gone
when everything is lonely i can be my own best friend
get a coffee and the paper...
Read More
It`s me again...where are you?
Did you join the new Bright Eyes group already?

Did you join the new Bright Eyes group already?

Hey...It's Spring. Enjoy it before it changes again...

wish i had this much time on my hands... some retired people knitted AN ENTIRE ROOM.

That's freaking awesome. I tried knitting in Home Ec back in middle school and couldn't get the hang of it. I made a pillow though, but that was more sewing than knitting. 

Take a look at my journal...I`ve uploaded some pics of conor which I took yesterday at bright eyes gig in zurich

nothing i said was a lie, but the truth apparently pisses people off.

nothing i said was a lie, but the truth apparently pisses people off.
Hey hottie.....
You know you're ALWAYS welcome in My Group.
Sounds like you have some people getting you down.
I'll tell you what, I'll give you one of my cards and all you have to do is pass it out. I'll take care of the rest...
Keep your chin up.

You know you're ALWAYS welcome in My Group.

Sounds like you have some people getting you down.

Keep your chin up.

hehehehe. look what i found

today is apparently the Most Depressing Day of the Year, according to a mathematical formula that states:
"The formula for the day of misery reads 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA.
Where W is weather, D is debt - minus the money (d) due on January's pay day - and T is the time since Christmas. Q is the period since the failure to quit a bad...
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"The formula for the day of misery reads 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA.
Where W is weather, D is debt - minus the money (d) due on January's pay day - and T is the time since Christmas. Q is the period since the failure to quit a bad...
Read More
Yeah it gets frustrating. We've been trying for almost 3 years now. We did it half hearted for a year, charted and "tried" seriously for the second year to have it end in tragedy, and then we have been just "letting it happen" again this past year. I found out back in May that I have a condition that makes it harder for me to conceive and carry early. So it's easier for me mentally to not "try" as in chart, and keep checking, that sort of thing. I just want to end up Preggers some day.
Hopefully before I'm 30!

hmm...i hate depressing days
so my nephew has been in hospital for several days now, and has finally been diagnosed with a rare genetic metabolic disorder called glutaric aciduria (or acidemia) type 1.
apparently, the disease is so rare that there are less than 150 cases reported in the US. i've been trying to do research on it, but most of the stuff i come up with is complete...
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apparently, the disease is so rare that there are less than 150 cases reported in the US. i've been trying to do research on it, but most of the stuff i come up with is complete...
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i'm sorry for your nephew, its always hard when you find out stuff like that. i hope that everything goes as well as it can for you and your family.
I wish I knew what to say besides sorry.

oh thats soo sad
, I love little mammals they are the coolest.
Sadly the password wasnt that silly it was just plain old magicword

Sadly the password wasnt that silly it was just plain old magicword

sorry to hear about your pet, that is so sad.
we need to hang out sometime soon, Lager House Mondays for old times sake! ha! ...maybe when I get back from out of town. I have to leave again a couple weeks for work.
oh, and thanks for the congrats. Im so glad you approve!!!
miss ya!

we need to hang out sometime soon, Lager House Mondays for old times sake! ha! ...maybe when I get back from out of town. I have to leave again a couple weeks for work.
oh, and thanks for the congrats. Im so glad you approve!!!

miss ya!
I hope he's doing a lot better now.