Soooo, thank you all for the nice birthday wishes )
I got to see my parents a few hours today and eat lunch with them, we ate some good pizza and drank some awesome italian wine.
Tonight, I saw a friend of mine, we played scrabble and drank some coffee. I really didn't feel like going outside, since I'm a boring person and it was fucking cold. But he was nice and came and get me with his car
Since I came back from Montreal, I realize that I'm probly considered as having no life, to a certain extent. I don't really like going out in bars, parties, crowded places and all that stuff. I prefer seeing some good friends from time to time, being relax, walking in the street, listening to some music, and staying home doing stuff I like. It's not life I have no opportunities to do stuff, I just don't like it that much. From time to time I like going out and all that shit, but not as often as most of the people I know.
But you know what? I don't really care. I'm pleased that way.
So last night I made some jewelry (I don't have pictures yet since my batteries are dead, but I'll get some fast). I now have an idea to do some fucked up dolls/toys, I'll try to work on it in a few minutes.
I work tomorrow night and start school on MOnday at 8am. I feel ;like I haven't been in school for ages, and waking at 6am will be very hard on MOnday, but eh, that's life.
Have a good night everybody.
And here's a picture I took this morning while waiting for my folks.

I got to see my parents a few hours today and eat lunch with them, we ate some good pizza and drank some awesome italian wine.
Tonight, I saw a friend of mine, we played scrabble and drank some coffee. I really didn't feel like going outside, since I'm a boring person and it was fucking cold. But he was nice and came and get me with his car

Since I came back from Montreal, I realize that I'm probly considered as having no life, to a certain extent. I don't really like going out in bars, parties, crowded places and all that stuff. I prefer seeing some good friends from time to time, being relax, walking in the street, listening to some music, and staying home doing stuff I like. It's not life I have no opportunities to do stuff, I just don't like it that much. From time to time I like going out and all that shit, but not as often as most of the people I know.
But you know what? I don't really care. I'm pleased that way.
So last night I made some jewelry (I don't have pictures yet since my batteries are dead, but I'll get some fast). I now have an idea to do some fucked up dolls/toys, I'll try to work on it in a few minutes.
I work tomorrow night and start school on MOnday at 8am. I feel ;like I haven't been in school for ages, and waking at 6am will be very hard on MOnday, but eh, that's life.
Have a good night everybody.
And here's a picture I took this morning while waiting for my folks.

J'crois que d'avoir vu 'One Armed Scissor' a Conan O'brien restera a jamais l'un des 5 plus beaux moments de tl ever.