Weel here we are again, been very busy with my new job, its going very well and looks like ill get my own shop in the next two months which will be great!
Went and bought myself a new bike last week (pic left) 2001 CBR 929, very tidy runabout i think. Got the weekend off soim off to bega to see a friend.1000 km...
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Went and bought myself a new bike last week (pic left) 2001 CBR 929, very tidy runabout i think. Got the weekend off soim off to bega to see a friend.1000 km...
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aussie chick waving the flag hey. *plotting* that sounds like an idea to me!

nice bike. i had a 2000 gixxer sixxer for 7 months until june last year. i sold it when i moved up to christmas island and bought a brand new 2003 yamaha WR250. for a lightweight she packs a nice punch.
howdy do all;
life is all beer and skittles at the mo' new job workin out very well, settled in with friends for a while and planning to buy a new bike this week, found a 01 CBR929 thats a deal that I cant go by, if its still there it WILL be mine!!!! bummed I couldnt get to the Sydney meet but new job...
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life is all beer and skittles at the mo' new job workin out very well, settled in with friends for a while and planning to buy a new bike this week, found a 01 CBR929 thats a deal that I cant go by, if its still there it WILL be mine!!!! bummed I couldnt get to the Sydney meet but new job...
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Hey All,
well Im settled at my mate house finally and new job is going well so all good in my little world, decided I need a pressie for myself for going so well with my "gonna do" list, I believe a new tat would be the go so next day off is looking like as good a time as any.
well Im settled at my mate house finally and new job is going well so all good in my little world, decided I need a pressie for myself for going so well with my "gonna do" list, I believe a new tat would be the go so next day off is looking like as good a time as any.
wow.... thank you so much.

Wwwellllllllll an interesting week. Started a new job and it went fairly well as far as jobs go, moved out of my flat that I loved in with some friends only to get evicted three days later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, looks like I'm sharing with a friend (real friend with his own house) so im having a few beers and this week will be better.
Thanks for commenting on my tattoo. Just out of curiousity, do you think I should get it colored?
have you seen the SG Australia group yet? come by and join if you're interested, always good to have more aussies around.. there's a few of us getting together for beers and what not in sydney in a couple of weeks too if you're interested.. come check the group out when you get 5 mins..
Gooooood Morning All;
As this is my first journal entry I thought I would put in a fav saying of mine
Some people are like Slinkies . . . not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
Packing and cleaning is not how I pictured my week off, and now...
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As this is my first journal entry I thought I would put in a fav saying of mine
Some people are like Slinkies . . . not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
Packing and cleaning is not how I pictured my week off, and now...
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just never seems to end does it.
Welcome into the BCB group