The sequel to the blog that caused a collective 'huh' around this here cyberplot last year is HERE. After you're done reading and your will to live is still strong as it was going in, feel free to take a look around.
Actually why do people, and I'm including myself in this, say 'feel free to look around' about their developed cyberplots. It's like, we can't stop you. It's not as if we can set the law on you, tell your parents, pull an OJ hack'n'slash on your porch. It is a polite respect-saving way of saying 'this is what I've done with my life, please justify it so I don't feel like I've wasted time on it when I could have gone and hung out with girls, fought evil criminals and other kinds of more socially proactive stuff'.
Then again the only alternatives are to:
1 :- say nothing but then you really would have wasted your time, effort and realise masturbating would have been more productive (especially if you had a spare rubber johnny and a cat - one hand shandy later boom - everlasting fish-flavoured chewing gum for Tiddles. Save 's on catnip. Anyone who patents it owes me a royalty.)
2: type the following. "Hey you. Click HERE. If you don't you're a c**t." But that only wins contempt and enemies and then you're stuck in the rut of rule 1 unless one is really that callous as the message suggests (if so, seek psychiatric attention.. preferably during work hours).
Um I've forgotten where I was going with this. I was thinking about all the possibilities for the everlasting fish-flavoured chewing gum. Such is life.
Danggummit it's hot. Late August in Shetland is meant to be climatically depressing. But it's sunny as it's been all year. It's a great day to work in the garden, but myshoulder's still duff. A great day for that 7 mile Scalloway to Lerwick walk I've been promising to do for the last 6 years, but my knees are still duff. Bad health is more tolerable when there's foul weather.
Best album I've heard this year: Day Watch soundtrack. Russian metal. Incomprehensible. Could get it translated but I like not knowing. There may be deep meaning to the songs involved... which is not f'n likely but I'm not running the risk of ruining the ignorant rocking lunacy running throughout. There's techno, drums and party songs. I sgreat. I say so. Debate over.
Best book I've read this year: Outrage.
I'm only halfway through the introduction but Vincent Bugliosi has already torn the prosecution, the jury, the media and OJ new arseholes. The introduction. This book cannot suck. Which leads me to the question: how the hell could the jury blatantly ignore the science that pinned Simpson to the scene? it's diabolical and a damned disgrace. Blood was at that scene containing DNA markings that could only be found in one in 57 BILLION people. Consider that number - 57 BILLION people, 9 times the population of the world (Am I right that the population is still 6 billion?) OJ was one of those 57 BILLION people. And he's still a free man. I don't know what became of the OJ prosecution team but NONE of them involved should be allowed to prosecute a trial again. Shameful. That book will be my weekend.
Best film I've watched this year: The Monster Squad. Not on DVD. Is available elsewhere.
[Yassir Arafat impersonation] Go acquire. Go! GO! [/Yassir Arafat impersonation]
Actually why do people, and I'm including myself in this, say 'feel free to look around' about their developed cyberplots. It's like, we can't stop you. It's not as if we can set the law on you, tell your parents, pull an OJ hack'n'slash on your porch. It is a polite respect-saving way of saying 'this is what I've done with my life, please justify it so I don't feel like I've wasted time on it when I could have gone and hung out with girls, fought evil criminals and other kinds of more socially proactive stuff'.
Then again the only alternatives are to:
1 :- say nothing but then you really would have wasted your time, effort and realise masturbating would have been more productive (especially if you had a spare rubber johnny and a cat - one hand shandy later boom - everlasting fish-flavoured chewing gum for Tiddles. Save 's on catnip. Anyone who patents it owes me a royalty.)
2: type the following. "Hey you. Click HERE. If you don't you're a c**t." But that only wins contempt and enemies and then you're stuck in the rut of rule 1 unless one is really that callous as the message suggests (if so, seek psychiatric attention.. preferably during work hours).
Um I've forgotten where I was going with this. I was thinking about all the possibilities for the everlasting fish-flavoured chewing gum. Such is life.
Danggummit it's hot. Late August in Shetland is meant to be climatically depressing. But it's sunny as it's been all year. It's a great day to work in the garden, but myshoulder's still duff. A great day for that 7 mile Scalloway to Lerwick walk I've been promising to do for the last 6 years, but my knees are still duff. Bad health is more tolerable when there's foul weather.
Best album I've heard this year: Day Watch soundtrack. Russian metal. Incomprehensible. Could get it translated but I like not knowing. There may be deep meaning to the songs involved... which is not f'n likely but I'm not running the risk of ruining the ignorant rocking lunacy running throughout. There's techno, drums and party songs. I sgreat. I say so. Debate over.
Best book I've read this year: Outrage.
I'm only halfway through the introduction but Vincent Bugliosi has already torn the prosecution, the jury, the media and OJ new arseholes. The introduction. This book cannot suck. Which leads me to the question: how the hell could the jury blatantly ignore the science that pinned Simpson to the scene? it's diabolical and a damned disgrace. Blood was at that scene containing DNA markings that could only be found in one in 57 BILLION people. Consider that number - 57 BILLION people, 9 times the population of the world (Am I right that the population is still 6 billion?) OJ was one of those 57 BILLION people. And he's still a free man. I don't know what became of the OJ prosecution team but NONE of them involved should be allowed to prosecute a trial again. Shameful. That book will be my weekend.
Best film I've watched this year: The Monster Squad. Not on DVD. Is available elsewhere.
[Yassir Arafat impersonation] Go acquire. Go! GO! [/Yassir Arafat impersonation]
Anyway, 57 billion, what did that DNA had in it? The cure for cancer and AIDS alltogether? WTF? I want to have a rare blood too
Sun sucks.