I had to go out to lunch with a visiting proffesor the other day. When the proffesor i work for asked me if I could do it, I said yes, assuming that they whole research group would be going as well. It was actually myself and 2 other grad sutdents that I did not know. It turned out ok. Although making conversation can, at time, be rather tedious. I was the only american of the 4 of us, which is something you run into quite often in the academic world. I am often the only american in my research lab out of around 6 people. Since everyone else is from a different country most conversations turn to international politics and economics and a critique on the american system. I really enjoy hearing about it from a different perspective. It's always really funny to be the only american, noticing how everyone else speaks really causiously, always glancing out of the corner of their eye to judge your reaction not wanting to offend your home country. I usually have a strong urge to appologize for my lack of experience, but no one ever blames me for my experiences limited to the north american continent, and they are usually much more aware that all citizens can not be held accountable for the actions of their government. Never the less, I usually try and keep my mouth shut until I have something worth while to say. After all, Im still the american with all the privilages of being an american in my home country. I think I'm better off just listening.

I have ten thousand comments, so... I rather tell you them at a more suitable occasion.

hey there. nice running into you last night, hope you had a nice time. have a nice mother's day.