New reading list:
I'm interested in reading this. I took a Hebrew "Bible" course in college and was amazed at the different translations of various words in the psalms and I enjoyed learning about the historical and cultural context. I wonder if the guy who translated this has done the Song of Solomon?
About political prisoners in Iran.

I'm going to make a New Years' Resolution-reading wise. I want to read at least three non-fiction books and three books of poetry.
I did get a job at a library snack bar-I'm still looking for work more in my field though, but seven dollars an hour isn't that bad , considering my last job was 5.50).
I really love Pullman's books, as well -- I went into the movie expecting to be watered down, so I wasn't that surprised that it was a bit of a let-down compared to the books. But, it's so well-cast and well-designed, I thought it was worth seeing. Hopefully they'll do better with the sequals.