Dream about dying hair blue in school cafeteria.
Try to figure why room smells like a baked potato.
Dream about obtaining covert stock trading secrets and assisting in insider traditing by whispering them out the window to a neighbhor. My monetary reward? $50.
I need my wisdom teeth out. The top of the one on the left side of my mouth that is partially covered by my gums hs brown splotches. I used to have perfect teeth goddammit!
And how have you been?
Dream about dying hair blue in school cafeteria.
Try to figure why room smells like a baked potato.
Dream about obtaining covert stock trading secrets and assisting in insider traditing by whispering them out the window to a neighbhor. My monetary reward? $50.
I need my wisdom teeth out. The top of the one on the left side of my mouth that is partially covered by my gums hs brown splotches. I used to have perfect teeth goddammit!
And how have you been?