I've gotten the e-mail of doom: my payment for this month couldn't be processed, as I have no active CC. (Thanks, Bank of America!) When I go grey, please don't forsake me. I promise to return stronger than ever! Honestly, I'll be active as soon as BoA and the USPS combine to physically place my new CC in my freaking mailbox. Anyone care to bet on if/when that will happen? Should I call and demand a carrier pigeon?
More Blogs
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013
Double post FTL. -
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013
I'm due for a substatial blog update, but my new gig here is keeping … -
Thursday Aug 23, 2012
"There are all kinds of silences and each of them means a different t… -
Monday Jan 30, 2006
Two weeks ago I had ten dollars to my name. I wasn't writing--or spe… -
Wednesday Dec 14, 2005
Dear God, Please nudge some one, place, institution, or corporatio… -
Friday Nov 04, 2005
I have little or no idea of what day or time it is. I'm going to drin… -
Friday Sep 30, 2005
Yes, I'm a bum. I don't update. In fact, even those on my friends lis… -
Saturday Sep 17, 2005
[Placeholder. I have phone calls to make and return. And, my journal … -
Friday Sep 09, 2005
I'm in Seattle. But, I won't have regular internet access for a few w… -
Wednesday Aug 31, 2005
I never stopped to think about exactly how much of my stuff a 25" car…
For a site that boasts a varied array of cultural and regional viewpoints, it seems to have devolved to a clique of West Coast members stating a bundle of preapproved opinions while the world nods their heads without hesitation in order to avoid being ostracized. While I'm not running out to buy any "Stockula for President 2008" buttons, I am finding myself reminded why my personal politics only veer to left so far. Stating a strong opinion (to the point of zealotry) without having the actual experience to truly understand it is a generalization, regardless of whether that particular opinion is the PC stance or not. What should have been a simple off-color slam on a culture I feel I have a right to brutally criticize (my own) turned into a free-for-all of people posing as bleeding heart warriors of a cause they have little to no understanding. Seeing as how my initial critics live in a place where a part-time job at Taco Bell would be considered well-above living wages here, I found their attempts at identifying with the impoverished masses here (welfare cheats or otherwise) to be hollow and laughable.
Sorry to rant on your journal, but you're one of the few to take the time to understand what I was getting at, so I figured you'd want to hear my last word on the matter. Anyway, I'm trying to keep in touch with the friends I've made on here; I still have your email address from when I submitted to Mercurial, and I'll be sure to look you up if I ever find myself in Boston.
Don't be a stranger.