Gone away to write and to play. Have a great week, everyone. I'll speak with you all when I get back. I might even have pictures of my new ink....
More Blogs
Saturday Mar 19, 2005
This week I have been yelled at or sternly told which way is up by ne… -
Thursday Mar 17, 2005
Well, it's St.Patrick's Day, I live in Boston, and I'm (technically) … -
Sunday Mar 13, 2005
I didn't get to go to Vermont this weekend. I had the bus schedule, a… -
Thursday Mar 10, 2005
A LOT OF RANDOM I'm going away for the weekend, again. Seeing as h… -
Wednesday Mar 09, 2005
If my college were a person, or even had a tangible avatar, I would k… -
Sunday Mar 06, 2005
Good form should compel me to use a few minutes of my time to fill th… -
Friday Feb 25, 2005
Gone away to write and to play. Have a great week, everyone. I'll spe… -
Friday Feb 25, 2005
Vacation begins tomorrow. How excited am I? Well, I'm dancing right n… -
Monday Feb 21, 2005
I called my sister last night to discover that her good friend, my ho… -
Thursday Feb 17, 2005
Update: I'm in CT until Monday. Have a great weekend, all. I thi…
As for being the only guy on my list...I'm still baffled as how that happened. I do remember that we began swapping comments on a joint literary venture, albeit one that was eaten by an unruly piece of technology.
Going north is something I've pondered before, but I'd have to wait for a complete thaw of the roads and mountain passes before I attempt it. I appreciate the offer though!