I don't know if anyone has seen this, but recently we've had an uproar in my town. Over the past few days we have been sharing a petition and bringing light to this unfortunate event.
A couple national news organizations have caught on...here it is:
Victim Blamed in Sexual Assault by Off-Duty Cop
An off-duty cop walked up behind a woman in a local bar here in Flagstaff. He put his hand up her skirt and felt her up. He was convicted of sexual assault and lost his job with DPS. However, during sentencing, the judge had a few words for the victim of the assault:
Bad things can happen in bars, [Judge] Hatch told the victim, adding that other people might be more intoxicated than she was.
"If you wouldn't have been there that night, none of this would have happened to you," Hatch said.
Hatch told the victim and the defendant that no one would be happy with the sentence she gave, but that finding an appropriate sentence was her duty.
"I hope you look at what you've been through and try to take something positive out of it," Hatch said to the victim in court. "You learned a lesson about friendship and you learned a lesson about vulnerability."
Hatch said that the victim was not to blame in the case, but that all women must be vigilant against becoming victims.
"When you blame others, you give up your power to change," Hatch said that her mother used to say.
The judge sentenced the ex-cop to 2 years probation and 100 hours of community service.
The quote comes from a story from our local newspaper...www.azdailysun.com
No Jail Time for Flagstaff Cop....
I am PISSED over this, because ANY ONE OF US women in my town could have been this woman, ANY ONE OF US could have been the one in front of this fucking judge.....the judge has since apologized...but it is not like this judge "misspoke"...she gave an entire speech during sentencing blaming the victim.
Friends of the the guilty cop and even complete strangers have been criticizing the victim for ruining the cop's life. The cop's ex-girlfriend actually had the balls to ask the judge for leniency because he WAS a cop and it would be a good gesture for all he has done for the community.
COPS should be held to a HIGHER STANDARD, not given a reprieve!!!!
The judge also threw out evidence that Evans (the cop) had pinched another woman's butt about an hour before the sexual assault, saying it was too prejudicial and would influence the verdict. So he not only was found guilty of assault, but he did it once before on the same night! And what do the women of my town get? We are told that if we go to a bar, we shouldn't be surprised if we are sexually assaulted.
FUCK YOU Judge Jacqueline Hatch. I never use the word CUNT to describe anyone, but I will use it with YOU.
Also, that judge sounds pretty crusty if you ask me. I mean what, it's her fault for going into a bar and female? As if this is type of behavior is to be expected...
Also, nice to know of another GISP here on SG.