Ok I was off-line for a couple of days because someone backed into our cable. But I'm back now. We found out today that the allied forces right next to us have some how let their sewer water seep into our water supply, so for the past week I've been showering in poo-water... ick.
Thank God we only drink bottled water or everyone would be really sick. Shit Got kinda serious the other day and now we have to run drills all the time and have been assigned permanent fighting positions. Several of the men here have been paying extra attention to me. Which in and of itself is fine but I have the sincere feeling that it's because they want me to fuck them. I really have had some seriously surreal/hilarious moments since I've been here for example: The Special Forces come through here all the time and sit in the dinning hall with me (the kitchen is attached to the dinning hall) we have a TV and a dvd player in there. So I'm sitting with them watching sex and the city and one of the Special forces guys knows the episode word for word... don't ask don't tell right? Or like when I'm driving around with one of the translators, Dr. A and I got him really into the RENT soundtrack (His favorite song is 'contact') Just shit like that tickles me pick I'm getting along so well with the locals it's kinda scary. I'm going to learn Dari so I can chit chat with the rest of the workers. I really really like the translators they are both MDs and really smart and funny. They think I'm funny/crazy which is cool with me. And they teach me cuss words in Dari and let me ask all kinds of questions. Before I met them I was honestly expecting men who wanted women and burqas and without a clit. Could not be further from the truth!!!! I asked Dr. A if he had ever hit a woman and he looked so hurt and disgusted by my question but simple replied "No, never I would never hit a woman they are like beautiful flowers why would I hit a woman?" You could have knocked me over with a feather. I really want to go into town and see things but I'm not allowed, as a woman I have been stripped of many things I am accustumed to. I'm not allowed to do a lot of the things the male soldiers can do. And I understand it's for my own protection but it still pisses me off to no end. But as I'm sure no one is reading this I'm gonna go to bed I have to be up in a few hours to cook breakfast (I'm such a fucking house wife)

Of course they want to fuck you. But, the question is, are THEY fuckable?
So? Would you do them if you weren't stuck in the middle of the desert?
Big fat NO to poo water. Here's hoping you get poo free showers asap.