My 10 best albums of 2005:
1. Coheed & Cambria - Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV, Volume I: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
2. Open Hand - You and Me
3. Panic! At the Disco - A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
4. Armor for Sleep - What to Do When You're Dead
5. Foo Fighters - In Your Honor
6. Paramore...
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1. Coheed & Cambria - Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV, Volume I: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
2. Open Hand - You and Me
3. Panic! At the Disco - A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
4. Armor for Sleep - What to Do When You're Dead
5. Foo Fighters - In Your Honor
6. Paramore...
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hey man
Happy Birthday!! 

So sorry for the absence. I'll be back when school starts. I've been in Maryland with Jess for most of the break, and now she's here at home with me. Not a lot of time for internet pseudo-erotica communities, you understand, what with all the unheard of amounts of sex I'm getting. Tis glorious. And Jess probably wouldn't approve of this site anyway. So shh....
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You are very welcome


One week till Christmas, and I'm bored as hell. Anyone have anything exciting to do?


I really have to knock off this disappearing for a week nonsense. After exams.

Wait. SG gift packs. Okay. Lemme make sure I understand this.
For $48, I get a t-shirt, a deck of SG cards, and a 1 year subscription. Any other time, $48 would get me a 1 year subscription only. So is there any reason I shouldn't cancel my 1 year subscription (which renews in January) and buy this for myself? Free t-shirt and cards, right?...
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For $48, I get a t-shirt, a deck of SG cards, and a 1 year subscription. Any other time, $48 would get me a 1 year subscription only. So is there any reason I shouldn't cancel my 1 year subscription (which renews in January) and buy this for myself? Free t-shirt and cards, right?...
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Molly is fine
Took her to the vet today and all she is suffering from is a cut on her tongue, a scratch on her nose and a chipped tooth......not as bad as I thought


Well maybe it was good because she was so hot.....but I did enjoy the movie!
Parcheesi = greatest game EVAR!
Well, maybe not ever. But right now. I played for the first time yesterday, and I'm hooked. Is it normal for a college kid to spend his alone time with his girlfriend playing board games?
Aaaand I'm reading Confederacy of Dunces now. Although I fully intend to tear into Sapphic's book if she loves me enough to send it...
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Well, maybe not ever. But right now. I played for the first time yesterday, and I'm hooked. Is it normal for a college kid to spend his alone time with his girlfriend playing board games?
Aaaand I'm reading Confederacy of Dunces now. Although I fully intend to tear into Sapphic's book if she loves me enough to send it...
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Twister kicks parcheesi's ass. And it kind of counts as a board game. Plus I spend a great deal of time alone with my boyfriend watching CSI reruns, so I think you win normalcy-wise.
I could NOT get through Confederacy of Dunces. I just hated the main character too much. Great New Orleans imagery in there though, but not quite on a Witching Hour par.
And dude, I'm not mailing a reviewer's copy anywhere. You might have to actually, like, SEE me to get it
. Scary.
I could NOT get through Confederacy of Dunces. I just hated the main character too much. Great New Orleans imagery in there though, but not quite on a Witching Hour par.
And dude, I'm not mailing a reviewer's copy anywhere. You might have to actually, like, SEE me to get it

Gotta find the damn thing first. It was not in the dog food cabinet which is usually where I hide good books--I'll see if I left it with my mom. This means calling her and listening to a 20-minute recap of what the cats have done today. You owe me one.

Stolen from The_LL. There are a lot of things I've never. But I'm okay with it!
(X) I've Never Been Drunk
(X) I've Never Smoked Pot
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
(X) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
( ) I've Never Crashed A Car
( ) I've Never Been To Canada
( ) I've...
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(X) I've Never Been Drunk
(X) I've Never Smoked Pot
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
(X) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
( ) I've Never Crashed A Car
( ) I've Never Been To Canada
( ) I've...
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yes sometimes i go away for a while but i come back eventually!! haha
Oh, if only...maybe I should tell them to send me some cash? That would at least prevent my poor friends and family from getting more hand-made obscene t-shirts for christmas.
I'll try to dig up that book--I'm guessing you know my email, etc.--ask Greg if you don't.
I'll try to dig up that book--I'm guessing you know my email, etc.--ask Greg if you don't.

All apologies for being utterly absent for the past month or so. Nothing terribly important has been happening, I've just been busy with schoolwork and social life and other nonsense. But I'm hopefully around for a while again, and I need your help.
Over Thanksgiving, I finally finished Stephen King's Dark Tower series, which I've been working on since the spring. It was good. It...
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Over Thanksgiving, I finally finished Stephen King's Dark Tower series, which I've been working on since the spring. It was good. It...
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All apologies for being utterly absent for the past month or so. Nothing terribly important has been happening, I've just been busy with schoolwork and social life and other nonsense. But I'm hopefully around for a while again, and I need your help.
Over Thanksgiving, I finally finished Stephen King's Dark Tower series, which I've been working on since the spring. It was good. It...
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Over Thanksgiving, I finally finished Stephen King's Dark Tower series, which I've been working on since the spring. It was good. It...
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I'm going to go ahead and assume everyone saw the SG caption on The (scroll about halfway down the page). We're so famous!

Ah, The Onion. Everybody's favorite excuse for not studying. Between that and baiting political bloggers, I don't know how I get a damn bit of work done.

I did see!
Saw Jarhead. It's great. Sam Mendes is one of my heroes.
Got the new Juliana Theory CD. It's good. They sound like My Chemical Romance now, so that's kind of weird.
Swamped with schoolwork. Too many papers, too many tests, too many damned online assignments, which have long been my least favorites. I wish I had time to just relax and enjoy life.
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Saw Jarhead. It's great. Sam Mendes is one of my heroes.
Got the new Juliana Theory CD. It's good. They sound like My Chemical Romance now, so that's kind of weird.
Swamped with schoolwork. Too many papers, too many tests, too many damned online assignments, which have long been my least favorites. I wish I had time to just relax and enjoy life.
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My boyfriend's roommate's girlfriend (argh, sounds like Kevin Bacon should be somewhere in there) "didn't get it" either. But then she is allergic to fun so that might be it.
And p.s., he had the gunshot wound and everything. At least he didn't start up with the countdown and/or whip off that mask to reveal James Duval. spooooky.
And p.s., he had the gunshot wound and everything. At least he didn't start up with the countdown and/or whip off that mask to reveal James Duval. spooooky.

Hope you like JARHEADS



Yes it did...there was a whole story to him
