I grew up in the mountains and I love living here, I fully enjoy winter and don't normally complain about the cold but it was -15 degrees last night when I went to sleep and was told it got as low as -23. Way to cold for me. My car barely started this morning and when it did ran like complete shit, I have spent...
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I have been working 50+ hours a week for the past month, don't get me wrong I love the $$ that comes with these hours but I am just about spent. I need a vacation so bad!!! Hopefully when things slow down here after the holidays I can find time to take a nice vacation. Hopefully you can help me!! I need good ideas for...
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Hope everyone had a good turkey day, mine was good, spent the day with family and friends as it should be. Hope everyone had as good as a Holiday as I did!!

Well woke up to see the first few flurries of the season! not sure if I should be excited or annoyed! I still have so much to do to get ready for winter and I really wasn't ready to say good bye to "The Mistress" (my motorcycle) yet. Guess its time to baton down the hatches and get shit down. I hope everyone had as...
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I have not posted anything in a while, been pretty busy but I wanted to wish everyone out there in SG land a Happy Halloween!! WAAAHAHAHAHA!!! kinda hard to type an evil laugh but you get the point!!
Can't wait for this weekend!! For those of you who don't know the Fall Run is kinda the last hoora for motorcyclist were I live. Its a full weekend of bikes and fun. It starts Sat night with bike night. They pretty much shut down the center of town and line both sides of the street with bike and venders, there is a bike show...
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Me and my love did over 500 miles on the bikes this past weekend, we went to lake George and Saratoga! The weather was awesome and it was nice to just get away. Taking time off has its bad points though, I have spent all week catching up on work, : ( not cool. Thank god its Friday though!!! What is everyone up to tis...
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Been fighting a head cold for a couple days now, figures cause its been extremely nice out too! Well I hope all you out there in SG land are doing better then me!! At least I have time to catch up on everything I have missed on here!! Gotta try to stay positive!! ; )