1. What a week. I've had the most terrible mood swings and depression. Fortunately today was a good day and I managed to get a fair bit of work done. I am counting down the days until I get to see my endocrinologist for the first time.
2. Dyed my hair red. I quite like being a red-head. Its a deep red. Went to church today with red hair, red lipstick and a red scarf - an overdose of red!
3. I've decided I really do not want to go back to my old place of employment. I have a really really terrible relationship with my boss there, and I am determined never to work for her again. I'm planning to resign towards the end of this year. It will be difficult, she will try and lay all kinds of bullshit on me, but I am determined to handle it all calmly. *You* cannot stress me out, because *I* refuse to let you have control over my emotions.
4. One of my dearest friends I had the pleasure of catching up with this week. It was nice. She has a ery hard life, and we are trying to come up with some solutions for her - things are looking promising.
5. It sounds corny and trite but I actually, sort of, believe in fate.
6. It was Mothers Day today and I had a really nice time with my Mum. She loved her present and I did a tarot reading for her.
7.I love the movie Riding In Cars With Boys. Listened to Drew's audio commentary and loved it.
8. Baked apple cinnamon muffins. MMM muffins.
9. Did some drawing last night and picked up a book on composition - funny how a knowledge of composition suddenly makes a huge difference...
10. Those muffins are calling my name right now...
**I find it hard to remember to take my keys with me**
And todays image is a SMASHING mulberry pie I made last year. I hope to make more this year!

2. Dyed my hair red. I quite like being a red-head. Its a deep red. Went to church today with red hair, red lipstick and a red scarf - an overdose of red!
3. I've decided I really do not want to go back to my old place of employment. I have a really really terrible relationship with my boss there, and I am determined never to work for her again. I'm planning to resign towards the end of this year. It will be difficult, she will try and lay all kinds of bullshit on me, but I am determined to handle it all calmly. *You* cannot stress me out, because *I* refuse to let you have control over my emotions.
4. One of my dearest friends I had the pleasure of catching up with this week. It was nice. She has a ery hard life, and we are trying to come up with some solutions for her - things are looking promising.
5. It sounds corny and trite but I actually, sort of, believe in fate.
6. It was Mothers Day today and I had a really nice time with my Mum. She loved her present and I did a tarot reading for her.
7.I love the movie Riding In Cars With Boys. Listened to Drew's audio commentary and loved it.
8. Baked apple cinnamon muffins. MMM muffins.
9. Did some drawing last night and picked up a book on composition - funny how a knowledge of composition suddenly makes a huge difference...
10. Those muffins are calling my name right now...
**I find it hard to remember to take my keys with me**
And todays image is a SMASHING mulberry pie I made last year. I hope to make more this year!

I am glad you like the video I posted. Not everyone gets it. I really think they're on their way to fame. They are visiting LA in July. I can't wait!