
Since it seems whenever I get really excited about something it goes awry, so I'm going to keep on the DL.

I went on an interview. It went swimmingly. Unless something goes haywire in the next few days I will hopefully have a job next week. Its the kind of position where there's drawbacks, like a commute and no health insurance...but my mental well...
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What crystalized my feelings was a recent trip out west I made. My sister, niece and brother in-law just moved from San Jose, CA to Boise, Idaho. Contrary to popular belief, there's more in Boise than just potatos. It's a beautiful city, great for outdoor sports and FULL of curteous people. You so much as think about crossing the street and the cars stop, regardless of whether or not there's a stop light or stop sign. The pace of life if slower, less frenetic. People actually make eye contact on the street. It was so refreshing and it brought into such clear relief the gloomier sides of this fair city of Brotherly Love.
FYI, you should talk with velvetknuckles. He LOVES Project Runway.
Nice weekend.

- Went fabric shopping at an awesome discount place. The stuff I found was lovely. It has made the itch to learn to sew clothing overwhelming. Hopefully my friend will show me soon.
- Spent another Saturday afternoon at the bar with my hubbie and friend. It was mucho fun
- Saw Little Miss Sunshine. The movie was better then I expected, and...
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I never got into Deadwoon. I've been gunshy when it comes to new HBO dramas. They broke my heart when they cancelled OZ. I don't think I'm ready for a nother relationship with them, just to get hurt again frown
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! how is the job front looking on your end? i have a feeling if i don't get a new job soon i will be spending my days looking for one instead of spending them hating every minute of the day in the corset dungeon.
So if I dwell on jobs I didn't get that's letting the terroist win...right?

I'm still in not-the-best spirits. I'm bummed.....I was getting all worked up and then a big let down. I can't even begin to tell you how many stupid resumes I've sent everywhere. I look at Monster.com, Careerbuilder.com, and craigslist.com more times in one day then I care to think about. I...
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Ok. So I hate to sound all "mom-like" and all but have you thought about going to school? I know you wanted to a while back and it seems like this is the perfect opportunity.
That really bites. Can you get any type of financial aid? If you haven't applied you really should. The only way that you're going to be able to make the kind of money that keeps you more than barely getting by is if you have a degree. Well, I guess it's not really the only way. But it's the only sure way.
My sister moved back in with my mom for about 2 years so she could finish school. They live in Santa Clara where rent is stupid expensive, like $1,200 a month for a one bedroom apartment. It sucked but she's making more than $25 an hour now.
Ok...so...I didn't get the job I really wanted.
I think the only reason I got an email follow up was because I asked them what the status was.

I'm bummed. I'm sad. I'm frustrated. I did find out after the fact that this company is nearly impossible to get into unless you know someone. So I guess the fact that I got to the second...
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I know the job market sucks, but I'm sure you'll find something eventually. Have you tried a temp agency? They usually have temp to perm options. That's how I got my current job. smile

Wanna have lunch sometime?
Ok...let's see....how many crazy old lady hobbies do I have:

- knitting
- beading
- embroidery

Now all I need is quilting and my life will be complete.

I took an embroidery class with Jenny Hart (of Sublime Stitching fame). I am now obsessed. I've already embroidered an old button down shirt. Its only a matter of time before everything I own is covered in...
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i hope you get the call! kiss
embroidery sounds fun. i like stuff like that. colorful and intricate. smile i hope all is well with you besides being stir crazy.
i have an interview with the zoo on friday! did i tell you this already? i am so nervous excited jittery i can't even think straight anymore. its also impossible for me to not daydream about walking outta my current position and never looking back.
Well, i left that bundle of angst up long enough, eh?

Anyway. Spending today trying to move and think as little as possible. My head is throbbing in unison with my jaw. I don't think a million more advil and sudafed will do crap, so I'm trying to do as little as possible yet keep my mind occupied enough so I don't sob in pain....
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I'm going to go daydream some more about health benefits and all the great prescription I might be able to afford soon........god...and dental coverage? Thats just a wet dream waiting to happen!!!

It's true, we really are maturing as we age. My inner child is weaping .

I may be quiting my job in the next month or so, hopefully things will change so I won't have to, but I'm not ruling out the posibility. If I do, I'll be joining you in the "job hunting-suckfest"

gooooooooooood luck with the job! i seriously hope you get it!

i wanna think about a big pot luck dinner or something for sep....for all the cabin folx...for everyone to meet each other (since there are a few people that the "crew" don't know)...is there a best weekend/time for you kids??

So....my chicken shit boss laid me off in an email.
She was nice enough to even mention that she didn't have the heart to tell me to my face. Since paying me seemed to be seriously fucking up the bottom line..and you know...the business comes first. (and mind you...I was getting paid under the table...she wasn't even fucking paying taxes!!! I got paid CRAP!)

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fucking fuckers...you should take a couple of knitting needles and ram them up your ex-boss' ass. That'll learn her but good!

As for the unpacking thing, Im in the middle of it right now. It's a pain in the arse...but what are you gonna do, right? woot.

Ill try giving you a call later this evening when I get some work done, ok?

-jimmy mac
hey that sucks about getting laid off...and no unemployement comp either...thats the shit of under the table jobs. did you ever find the health center? marko and i went to va for an extended weekended and i saw you wanted to know where it was broad st health was located but couldn't answer till now! anyway..for future reference its at broad and masters..which is just a block or two past girard!

good luck with the interviews...i havent even gotten that far even with a billion resumes. i guess i have suck written all over me blackeyed
The more interviews I go on, the less it seem to know.

It went ok...I think. I was explicitly told not to wear a suit, to let my tattoos show, etc. But amazinlgy enough, I still felt weird looking like I normally do. And I hate feeling like that...it made me self-conscious. And..well...waiting for 20 minutes in the waiting area made me nervous too. Anyway...yeah....
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have you tried the broad st health center? i used to go there and its not expensive (based on your income) and they have walk ins all day long!
Looking for a job has to be on the top of shittiest things you have to do.
I hate waking up early.
When I don't get enough sleep I feel nauseous all day.

I have an interview this morning for a job I really want. I won't say more, because I don't want to jinx myself. Although I do have many finanical decisions and ideas hanging on this interview. I had to be hopeful....because if I wasn't I'd just give up.

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^^^^^^ hahahahaha! too cute.

Good luck with everything.
well! how did it go?
Hey kids,

Yesterday my husband and I and two of our friends went to Coney Island for the Netflix Traveling Roadshow screening of the Warriors. It was great. Definately a movie thats fun to see with a big group of people. Everyone was cheering when each gang entered a scene, and cheering when the Warriors narrowly made it away. And...there were bottles clanging from every...
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awww, i loved the Warriors as a kid, loved that part where they went int o the lesbian bar.
Sirus did it!
i have lowered my standards since the move to Dunkin Dounuts Coolattas...
I love scary rides!!
Did you do the roller coaster at the New York theme hotel when you were in Vegas?? I loved it!
Now I want to eat ice cream thanks to reading your blog.
I need to start taking pictures of things so I don't have to use pesky words to fill up this space.

I'm still looking for a job. Although, I have set my sites much hiigher then I did previously. Why take crap when I can try and hold off for something high paying.....I don't know...this plan may backfire, but right now I'm hopeful. Between Craigslist,...
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i very much need to get myself a digital camera one of these days.

i fucking hate this heat this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mad mad mad

oh gawd its soooooooooo fucking hot i almost died riding my bike a few blocks to get lunch and back. seriously..i was shaking and ready to pass out. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

ok so lame on the mosquito bites. we went to a bbq on saturday and i got fucking chewed up by a flea. i thought it was my imagination cause i kept feeling something biting me but didnt see anything. but by sunday i had the dark red itchy welts from fucking fleas all over my ankle (just one ankle...mostly) and the only thing that helps is putting a hot lighter tip or match on the bite. it stings like shit and then doesnt itch for hours. i hate hate hate bug bites!
