so i get to work at 7 already fucking tired and sick and i couldnt find my antihestimene stuff. i look at my route and i have NINE FUCKING STOPS!!! all in different places around different sides of atlanta, and then at the end IN THE MIDDLE OF DOWNTOWN. that is worse, cuz i have to fight midday traffic. grrrrr....
so i haul ass all morning, not taking ANY breaks, not even for lunch or crackers or water, and get to my last stop surprisingly early. FUCKING AWESOME! i was all set to get off 2 hours early. and then the phone rang...
"we fucked up. you delivered to the wrong place yesterday. we need you to go pick that shit up and take it to the other plant (on the other side of ATL)." grrrrrr...
fine. so i haul ass over there, and then across atlanta and toss the shit on the ground without even talking to anyone. get back in the truck and haul ass back to the shop. i get back to the shop and see my boss point at me and then another truck and then hand the foreman a sheet of paper. without thinking, i scream "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" really loud. so loud my boss hears it and laughs to himself. (i only imagine it is an evil laugh)
so i get the THIRD route for the day and look at it. IT HAS SOMEONE ELSE's name on it!!!!!!
they gave it to me cuz i beat him back because he stopped to get LUNCH!!!!!!!! alkasdlfkjsdlkjdfalj
so i go drop that shit off (already past time for me to leave) and it takes them a FUCKING HOUR to unload me.
and now im tired and smelly.
so i haul ass all morning, not taking ANY breaks, not even for lunch or crackers or water, and get to my last stop surprisingly early. FUCKING AWESOME! i was all set to get off 2 hours early. and then the phone rang...
"we fucked up. you delivered to the wrong place yesterday. we need you to go pick that shit up and take it to the other plant (on the other side of ATL)." grrrrrr...
fine. so i haul ass over there, and then across atlanta and toss the shit on the ground without even talking to anyone. get back in the truck and haul ass back to the shop. i get back to the shop and see my boss point at me and then another truck and then hand the foreman a sheet of paper. without thinking, i scream "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" really loud. so loud my boss hears it and laughs to himself. (i only imagine it is an evil laugh)
so i get the THIRD route for the day and look at it. IT HAS SOMEONE ELSE's name on it!!!!!!
they gave it to me cuz i beat him back because he stopped to get LUNCH!!!!!!!! alkasdlfkjsdlkjdfalj
so i go drop that shit off (already past time for me to leave) and it takes them a FUCKING HOUR to unload me.
and now im tired and smelly.
Fuck that. What a buch of horseshit.

Hey boy. I hope you were alright last night. My brother would have taken you to your place; I don't know why you didn't go with us. We weren't out late at all! Anyways, be good and I'll see you soon.