i am falling in love with here. not the small immigrant village full of mini-malls, but the state and the southeast in general. the land. maybe when i get older i'll like people more than i do, but for now i just love the land. the way it rolls. and its really green. i feel connected to it. i think its actually the only thing i really feel a part of. the mud and the clay, and even the sandy dirt thats in south alabama and mississipi, where the mississipi used to flood all the time. i like it.
its the land that lets me stop anywhere here and be able to talk for 10 minutes to anyone i see. and in atlanta they come from everywhere--the weather is so moody, it gives me opportunity to ask about where from they came--i ask, they tell, we talk, i eat peanuts. it is good.
i drove all day this morning in north georgia on backroads again. i still can't believe they pay me to do that. i drive around in these beautiful places, stop at lil shithole gas stations for boiled peanuts and cigarettes, drive more...
this morning was good. i drove up 306 to 53. right where you get on 53 from 306, there is a big field on the LEFT where something used to be. now it is a vacant lot. there is tall grass, greener than it should be, likely from the shit come from dirty diapers that spilled from the dumpster that used to be there. but now there is grass, waist high. and these long stemmed yellow flowers...maybe some kinda daisey or such. shot up inches higher than the grass. all the way to the treeline it was greens and yellows, with nothing in between and else. on the other side there was a big hill with a rundown shack at the top.
whenever i get monies, im gonna buy me one of them shacks and 50 or so acres of land. out in the middle of nowhere. learn how to make moonshine (because it is legal in GA to make moonshine for your own personal consumption), and fill my shack with books and old records. then i'll sit outside and watch the grass grow and poke bugs with a big long stick.
fun stuff, those big long sticks.
fuckin A
the land does not discriminate. it grows over just beautifully. and the sky cooperates, and the trees are lazy and there, falling on trailers. trees get all the lazy ones on out west to California--thats why God sends us tornados occasionally; to weed out the trash and the meth labs. the rest of us (me and the mexicans) the land endures, for because the grass will not grow without drunken fuckers like me to run around on shrooms and tequila tossing a frisbee to a doggie that will not catch.
i love the day laborers so much. i swear im gonna get my law degree just to fuck with contractors that dont give them benefits...those fuckers work so goddamned hard it makes me tired. if i do go to law school, i'll graduate first in my class, cuz im better than everyone else, and then im gonna fucking rape 10 contractors that hire daylabor without health insurance (right after i rape whoever made up the rules about comma use in sentences in a drunken rant...). i swear it. the day laborers...i love me some DL's, dammit. thems are Georgians all the way...not like them fuckin hippies. they don't know our seasons...
and in the afternoons, some summers, we get such gulleywashers you'd think you were on the Gulf Coast, but, really you're just pissing god off with that whisky...
maybe i have more drunken rant in me....idunno. i require more jim b.
Jim B.
its the land that lets me stop anywhere here and be able to talk for 10 minutes to anyone i see. and in atlanta they come from everywhere--the weather is so moody, it gives me opportunity to ask about where from they came--i ask, they tell, we talk, i eat peanuts. it is good.
i drove all day this morning in north georgia on backroads again. i still can't believe they pay me to do that. i drive around in these beautiful places, stop at lil shithole gas stations for boiled peanuts and cigarettes, drive more...
this morning was good. i drove up 306 to 53. right where you get on 53 from 306, there is a big field on the LEFT where something used to be. now it is a vacant lot. there is tall grass, greener than it should be, likely from the shit come from dirty diapers that spilled from the dumpster that used to be there. but now there is grass, waist high. and these long stemmed yellow flowers...maybe some kinda daisey or such. shot up inches higher than the grass. all the way to the treeline it was greens and yellows, with nothing in between and else. on the other side there was a big hill with a rundown shack at the top.
whenever i get monies, im gonna buy me one of them shacks and 50 or so acres of land. out in the middle of nowhere. learn how to make moonshine (because it is legal in GA to make moonshine for your own personal consumption), and fill my shack with books and old records. then i'll sit outside and watch the grass grow and poke bugs with a big long stick.
fun stuff, those big long sticks.
fuckin A

the land does not discriminate. it grows over just beautifully. and the sky cooperates, and the trees are lazy and there, falling on trailers. trees get all the lazy ones on out west to California--thats why God sends us tornados occasionally; to weed out the trash and the meth labs. the rest of us (me and the mexicans) the land endures, for because the grass will not grow without drunken fuckers like me to run around on shrooms and tequila tossing a frisbee to a doggie that will not catch.
i love the day laborers so much. i swear im gonna get my law degree just to fuck with contractors that dont give them benefits...those fuckers work so goddamned hard it makes me tired. if i do go to law school, i'll graduate first in my class, cuz im better than everyone else, and then im gonna fucking rape 10 contractors that hire daylabor without health insurance (right after i rape whoever made up the rules about comma use in sentences in a drunken rant...). i swear it. the day laborers...i love me some DL's, dammit. thems are Georgians all the way...not like them fuckin hippies. they don't know our seasons...
and in the afternoons, some summers, we get such gulleywashers you'd think you were on the Gulf Coast, but, really you're just pissing god off with that whisky...
maybe i have more drunken rant in me....idunno. i require more jim b.

yeah, georgia is beautiful. especially farther north. with the hills and the forests. and the weather is crazy! never know what it's going to throw out.
I know what you mean. Despite the fact Elberton was in the middle of nowhere, I love the area. It was beautiful.