morning - drive drive drive, toss steel off truck with UPSmanlike abandon
afternoon - bank to deposit check, liquor store to purchase 1 (one) 1.75 liter bottle of jose cuervo margaritas and 1 (one) jim beam traveler. so thirsty to consume margaritas, postpone trip to the cigarette/coke/ice store for because i was in need of prompt margarita relief.
now - consume drinks.
plans for the weekend:
today - continue consuming drinks, eventually eat leftovers and microwave popcorn. possibly play cards with people.
tommorow - consume drinks. retrieve additional cigarettes from store. write at least 10 (ten) pages of letter-like material on resume paper to girl on opposite coast. become angry. listen to tool and pantera. finish traveler of beam. become sad at loss of superfluous amount of liquor and impending work. listen to evan dando and neil young. retrieve cheap beer or wine from QT 100 yards from my sleeping place. consume. pass out/sleep.
sunday - sleep until 5 in the afternoon. make tuna salad. eat with crackers. possibly drink a pepsi or water. shower (depending on stench at that time). simpsons. simpsons. adult swim. wonder what i want to do other than this. fall asleep. have nightmares.
monday - fucking work.
whatcha doing this weekend?

morning - drive drive drive, toss steel off truck with UPSmanlike abandon
afternoon - bank to deposit check, liquor store to purchase 1 (one) 1.75 liter bottle of jose cuervo margaritas and 1 (one) jim beam traveler. so thirsty to consume margaritas, postpone trip to the cigarette/coke/ice store for because i was in need of prompt margarita relief.
now - consume drinks.
plans for the weekend:
today - continue consuming drinks, eventually eat leftovers and microwave popcorn. possibly play cards with people.
tommorow - consume drinks. retrieve additional cigarettes from store. write at least 10 (ten) pages of letter-like material on resume paper to girl on opposite coast. become angry. listen to tool and pantera. finish traveler of beam. become sad at loss of superfluous amount of liquor and impending work. listen to evan dando and neil young. retrieve cheap beer or wine from QT 100 yards from my sleeping place. consume. pass out/sleep.
sunday - sleep until 5 in the afternoon. make tuna salad. eat with crackers. possibly drink a pepsi or water. shower (depending on stench at that time). simpsons. simpsons. adult swim. wonder what i want to do other than this. fall asleep. have nightmares.
monday - fucking work.
whatcha doing this weekend?

your sunday looks EXACTLY like mine! home movies baby!