OK, so I was surfing my groups today and I was all in a cunnundrum about my life, anf then lazeboy said "As an alternative, I'd recommend going down to your local public drinking establishment and chatting up the desireables there" so for some reason I went, again, cause I've been there fortytimes already. But I went and ................wow...............one of the best nights of my year. I met this girl Holly and, hell she rocks total soical extrovert. BUT I gave holly my number to see if she calls. Didnt go with her cause well she was kinda drunk buy closing time but her friend said she would make sure she called, so It was the best plan I thought. I mean if she calles she really is intrested, and that's more than I've had in a long time. So we'll see, but the reason I had to go is this girl, who's a total flake btw, invited me over to a party and a guy I know , Chris, ( he makes my sandwitches) was goin, so I just moved here and I like Chris he's cool so I I'm gonna go hang and make new friends here. party was cool, reminded me of collage, and now I have this perception in my head that Holly is gonna call.
For tonight my faith in everything has been restored.
For tonight my faith in everything has been restored.
Not that it ever works for me :p but you, sir, are living proof of The Power of Positive Thinking.
Thanks for the birthday wishes