So. How's everybodies summer?? Mine's been good, 'cept for the weather. I mean, yeah I live in Holland and the weather is just slightly better than in like the UK (meaning we too get tons of rain all year). But still, NORMALLY we do have at least a few weeks of proper sunshine. In a row. But no, not this year. So far we've had some great days but always separated by rainy, windy, grey, and not-sure-what-today-brings days.
Thus. Who can we come visit next year to avoid all this? Haha.

I can't complain too much tho: art, love, pizza. What else does a boy need!

Next Wednesday: my new tattoo!!!! Not telling what yet, but will say that I changed my mind on having it done on my upper leg.

The weekend after (that would then be the 23rd & 24th of August) has too many options. Do we go....
[ ] visit my sister in Antwerp, shop one day and go to the zoo the second day?
[ ] visit my girls bro in Cologne, shop one day, hang out the second?
[ ] stay home and chill with friends at the local (free) Booch-fest?
[ ] go check out metalcore bands at Ieperfest in Belgium?
Ape out.

ps. Just a heads up: I prolly won't be around anymore next year. Also the reason I started to keep this blog OUTSIDE of SG.
watch out! you might end up like this 

ooh whats a cunty girl done? i duno everythings up with me really nothing ever goes ok for me and im tired of it!!!