It is time.
I'm about 20 hours away from my Film exam, and then my PoliSci is 10 hours after that. These'll mark the end of my scholastic endeavors. At least the planned ones, anyway. I have no idea what the future holds, and its scary as hell.
How've you been?
(I'm a horrible student)
I'm about 20 hours away from my Film exam, and then my PoliSci is 10 hours after that. These'll mark the end of my scholastic endeavors. At least the planned ones, anyway. I have no idea what the future holds, and its scary as hell.
How've you been?
(I'm a horrible student)

im a horrible student too. but i made it to medical school. and they said that if it was so easy anyone could and would do it. im proof. im anyone.

Yeah, probably about a year. The red maple leaf went up the day after those twits re-elected Bush.