I expect way more out of myself at school than the profressors and instructors do. Thats cool. That means I can stress and freak, and still do okay even though I feel like its total self destruction.
The class on Science-Fiction and Horror films is the greatest invention in modern academics. I'm learning, schoolin' and having fun all at the same time.
I have to say, thought, the Exorcist was seriously underhwelming. I liked Night of the Living Dead way more.
The class on Science-Fiction and Horror films is the greatest invention in modern academics. I'm learning, schoolin' and having fun all at the same time.
I have to say, thought, the Exorcist was seriously underhwelming. I liked Night of the Living Dead way more.
Night of the Living Dead = teh awesome. I'm hella psyched for the Romero's Land of the Dead, due out sometime next year. Did I just say "hella"?

The beer is a co-dependent enabler!