I'm so friggin' full of holiday good cheer that I'm going to steal an idea from my friend Greg, who posted good things about all of his myspace friends in a bulletin to make everyone smile, rather than writing cards or some such junk.
so, yeah. scroll down and find your name, or read me gushing about everyone. either way, happy whatever you choose to celebrate and I hope I've made you smile. think of these as testimonials in a public place or something.
9Monty--you've tried to hook me up with jobs and been so gracious when I kicked your ass at fantasy hockey. and you don't even know me. I totally owe you a beer.
Alisa--I barely know you, but you seem to me like a sweet, lovely person that I would probably just want to hug. and obviously, you're beautiful.
bettietwoguns--what can I say? you've been a true friend when I needed one, and you deserve to keep defying the odds and to be truly happy. all the love in the world.
BlueValentine--you're a rad, rad lady who's given me good advice and more importantly, you seem to have really lived your life. god, that sounds like you're 80.
bombshellbetty--someday, sweetie, I'm coming to one of your burlesque classes and you're going to teach me to be half as sexy as you are. and then we'll talk feminist theory all night. it'll be great.
boundcreature--my partner in crime, for sure. you will not have to sell all the way out, because we're going to take over the world. Living like it fucking matters, indeed.
Bryn--where have you been, lady? I'm really moving to philly this time, and we should actually hang out.
Cherry--may be the best photographer on the site, and definitely the best self-taught one I've ever not-really-met. you, sweetheart, are an impressive, inspiring lady.
Coco--you light up a room. really.
Cricket--I barely know you, but I think I should.
DebraJean--is fearless, badass, smart, and so many other things I want to be.
Demonika--haven't talked to you much, either, lately, but I hope things are going better for you. take care of yourself.
DragoD--your comments make me think about things at different angles and from different levels, and I love that.
Drake--I want you to draw the comic that I want to write. and to just smile and make my day brighter.
elzig--you've gotta have some serious skills to be Mr. Amina.
Eponine--I MISS YOU. dunkin' donuts? soon? best roommate ever, for sure.
EricJ--isn't even on here anymore, but I love him so much that I'm doing this anyway. go look at his real website: EricJ art.
Evalution--I don't know you that well either, but you seem like a truly sunny person.
ironbhr--again, it takes some skills to be Mr. SamanthaKayne
jebustheimpaler--didn't strangle me even though you wanted to. that's kind of impressive. you took my sass with such good grace.
Johnnythsaint--talk to me more! I hope you are OK. really.
Kikka--where, oh where, is that beautiful girl. seriously. I miss Kikka. tell her to come back to SG and talk to me.
Lane--we don't talk nearly as much now that you're an SG and all, but I miss it.
Linz--delicious is the best word I can think of for you. a silent movie star or rock'n'roll queen.
m0use--should really be a pop idol.
Merry--needs to start up her zine again, because it was really good. and not just the parts that I wrote. a smart, sexy girl with a brain only slightly twisted, and in all the right places.
mike_blacklisted--your advice and help are always well taken, and I appreciate them, and those bits of your writing that you share with us here. best of luck in your new ventures.
Mrs_Misha--someday, I want you to tattoo me. and to buy your art. and generally to absorb some creativity from your brain. PS: you're beautiful.
mtlqueen--so happy to see you surface again, lady.
mylf--has been scarce lately, but I understand why and it couldn't happen to a nicer lady.
ohJAYfloe--hooked me up with a great gig, is generally rad, and is getting MARRIED!
Olsen--no better companion for looking at sex books in the Tattered Cover.
Palo--so much cuter in person. and so much smarter and deeper than you give her credit for.
Pip--see entry for Mylf. same thing. oh, and fuck Johnny Damon.
ponyboy_curtis and I used to talk back in the day and I liked the way his brain worked. I would like to do that again.
punt--you can do better and you damn well know it. I mean, I would date you, and that's saying something.
SamanthaKayne--the cutest mommy I know. I need to call you and catch up. do I have your phone number? I know, I suck.
sapphic_plastic--when are we taking over Connecticut again? it should be soon.
scooter11--just went grey, but he's still an awesome hockey game date, and keeps me filled in on constitutional law and stuff.
sewpunk--should be my friend when I move to philly. or before.
Siv--I don't know which I like better, your photography or your written journals. and that's saying something,
Soraya--friend-requested me after I talked about "what would Joan Jett do?" and hasn't been around enough for me to learn more.
Stiles--is one of those people who knows a lot about many different things, and never makes you feel stupid if you don't.
Stina--you all know she's hot. what you don't know is that she's fucking hilarious, sweet, and gives great advice.
TheFuckOffKid--when we don't agree, I might want to kill you, but you'll always have a point.
TheFullNelson--dancing? 80s music? goooooths?
ThePants--makes kickass pancakes and just makes me want to hug him. you are the kind of guy who makes everyone smile just being around you.
The_Alchemist--it's ok. I was a goth once too. and I was good at it, but you might be better.
Thrasher--has recommended me lots of books that I have not read, and also been gracious when I kicked his ass at fantasy hockey.
TinFoilHalo--never fails to have the funniest journal entries on SG. read them.
topaz--has had lots of things to say that made me smile and think.
Twwly--god, again, where to start? one of the smartest, sexiest, just all-round coolest girls I know. it can be intimidating to be around this much rad in one package, but she's got a great heart, too. much love.
VonScotch--don't really know ya, but any friend of Twwly's is a friend of mine.
whitelight--is a very good name for you. I like your brain, too.
ZOMBIEQUEEN--is the queen of the neighborhood. and you love her. and are only a little jealous.
ok. now I'm going off into my little crush-tastic holiday world.
for all.
so, yeah. scroll down and find your name, or read me gushing about everyone. either way, happy whatever you choose to celebrate and I hope I've made you smile. think of these as testimonials in a public place or something.
9Monty--you've tried to hook me up with jobs and been so gracious when I kicked your ass at fantasy hockey. and you don't even know me. I totally owe you a beer.
Alisa--I barely know you, but you seem to me like a sweet, lovely person that I would probably just want to hug. and obviously, you're beautiful.
bettietwoguns--what can I say? you've been a true friend when I needed one, and you deserve to keep defying the odds and to be truly happy. all the love in the world.
BlueValentine--you're a rad, rad lady who's given me good advice and more importantly, you seem to have really lived your life. god, that sounds like you're 80.
bombshellbetty--someday, sweetie, I'm coming to one of your burlesque classes and you're going to teach me to be half as sexy as you are. and then we'll talk feminist theory all night. it'll be great.
boundcreature--my partner in crime, for sure. you will not have to sell all the way out, because we're going to take over the world. Living like it fucking matters, indeed.
Bryn--where have you been, lady? I'm really moving to philly this time, and we should actually hang out.
Cherry--may be the best photographer on the site, and definitely the best self-taught one I've ever not-really-met. you, sweetheart, are an impressive, inspiring lady.
Coco--you light up a room. really.
Cricket--I barely know you, but I think I should.
DebraJean--is fearless, badass, smart, and so many other things I want to be.
Demonika--haven't talked to you much, either, lately, but I hope things are going better for you. take care of yourself.
DragoD--your comments make me think about things at different angles and from different levels, and I love that.
Drake--I want you to draw the comic that I want to write. and to just smile and make my day brighter.
elzig--you've gotta have some serious skills to be Mr. Amina.
Eponine--I MISS YOU. dunkin' donuts? soon? best roommate ever, for sure.
EricJ--isn't even on here anymore, but I love him so much that I'm doing this anyway. go look at his real website: EricJ art.
Evalution--I don't know you that well either, but you seem like a truly sunny person.
ironbhr--again, it takes some skills to be Mr. SamanthaKayne
jebustheimpaler--didn't strangle me even though you wanted to. that's kind of impressive. you took my sass with such good grace.
Johnnythsaint--talk to me more! I hope you are OK. really.
Kikka--where, oh where, is that beautiful girl. seriously. I miss Kikka. tell her to come back to SG and talk to me.
Lane--we don't talk nearly as much now that you're an SG and all, but I miss it.
Linz--delicious is the best word I can think of for you. a silent movie star or rock'n'roll queen.
m0use--should really be a pop idol.
Merry--needs to start up her zine again, because it was really good. and not just the parts that I wrote. a smart, sexy girl with a brain only slightly twisted, and in all the right places.
mike_blacklisted--your advice and help are always well taken, and I appreciate them, and those bits of your writing that you share with us here. best of luck in your new ventures.
Mrs_Misha--someday, I want you to tattoo me. and to buy your art. and generally to absorb some creativity from your brain. PS: you're beautiful.
mtlqueen--so happy to see you surface again, lady.
mylf--has been scarce lately, but I understand why and it couldn't happen to a nicer lady.
ohJAYfloe--hooked me up with a great gig, is generally rad, and is getting MARRIED!
Olsen--no better companion for looking at sex books in the Tattered Cover.
Palo--so much cuter in person. and so much smarter and deeper than you give her credit for.
Pip--see entry for Mylf. same thing. oh, and fuck Johnny Damon.
ponyboy_curtis and I used to talk back in the day and I liked the way his brain worked. I would like to do that again.
punt--you can do better and you damn well know it. I mean, I would date you, and that's saying something.

SamanthaKayne--the cutest mommy I know. I need to call you and catch up. do I have your phone number? I know, I suck.
sapphic_plastic--when are we taking over Connecticut again? it should be soon.
scooter11--just went grey, but he's still an awesome hockey game date, and keeps me filled in on constitutional law and stuff.
sewpunk--should be my friend when I move to philly. or before.
Siv--I don't know which I like better, your photography or your written journals. and that's saying something,
Soraya--friend-requested me after I talked about "what would Joan Jett do?" and hasn't been around enough for me to learn more.
Stiles--is one of those people who knows a lot about many different things, and never makes you feel stupid if you don't.
Stina--you all know she's hot. what you don't know is that she's fucking hilarious, sweet, and gives great advice.
TheFuckOffKid--when we don't agree, I might want to kill you, but you'll always have a point.
TheFullNelson--dancing? 80s music? goooooths?
ThePants--makes kickass pancakes and just makes me want to hug him. you are the kind of guy who makes everyone smile just being around you.
The_Alchemist--it's ok. I was a goth once too. and I was good at it, but you might be better.

Thrasher--has recommended me lots of books that I have not read, and also been gracious when I kicked his ass at fantasy hockey.
TinFoilHalo--never fails to have the funniest journal entries on SG. read them.
topaz--has had lots of things to say that made me smile and think.
Twwly--god, again, where to start? one of the smartest, sexiest, just all-round coolest girls I know. it can be intimidating to be around this much rad in one package, but she's got a great heart, too. much love.
VonScotch--don't really know ya, but any friend of Twwly's is a friend of mine.
whitelight--is a very good name for you. I like your brain, too.
ZOMBIEQUEEN--is the queen of the neighborhood. and you love her. and are only a little jealous.
ok. now I'm going off into my little crush-tastic holiday world.

Thanks for the compliment in your journal . To return the favor...
Aoife - One of the most intelligent , opinionated , and well rounded ladies I've never met . Also , she has outstanding taste in music and movies .