Ahh worst headache ever... the Vicoden is slowly starting to neutralize it though... my pearls are choking me. Today was fun... KAty and I woke up and somehow managed to spend about 4 hours doing nothing before we decided to take the bus into Providence... we went shopping and then walked to the DUNKIN DONUTS CENTER and saw Britney... dude, Kelis opened for her, it was awesome... she is SO beautiful, and really tall... Britney was... as expected... she skipped a lot and moved her hands while she lip-synched... and they all got naked and masturbated on stage which I'm sure will fuck up all the MILLIONS of little girls that were there... Mmm, we went to Cheesecake Factory afterwards and met her mom and Gwen and now we're home... Katy's resting, her hair looks soooo cool... its red and pink and orange... mine didn't really turn out.. but in the sun its tinted pink and orange which is good enough for me I guess. OKay... lame post.
Virgos aren't boring

At least you aren't from the sign that is either a crab, or a wasting illness.