alright, so today i made it to work, despite being sick, so i could make it to my annual review and find out what my bonus is going to be. due to some people not being able to do math, apparently they will be trying to screw me out of some. so i'm taking this to a higher authority. most likely your mom.
i managed to get the next few days off as i am sick. not deathly ill, but sick enough that work is incredibly annoying and i'm most likely becoming quite rude.
also got my fantomas tickets for sunday. i'm giddy.
so who is bringing me chicken soup?
no, seriously.
i managed to get the next few days off as i am sick. not deathly ill, but sick enough that work is incredibly annoying and i'm most likely becoming quite rude.
also got my fantomas tickets for sunday. i'm giddy.
so who is bringing me chicken soup?
no, seriously.
But I'll bet you weren't home eating soup though, I'll bet you were out climbing things...
you sure you want chicken? it does get cold so fast on the bus