I Haven't been on here a lot lately...been busy. Working, moved in my own bouse, new hours at work...but I plan to try to be on more..

My bday is coming up at the end of the month and I'll be going to NYC and putting up a new set soon...super excited...for some new ink and piercings to show off as well as so new...
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I'm a little odd to say the least....

1. Deadpool, I'm very sarcastic and I have a list encase the purge ever becomes real...lol

2. Catwoman...I love how she is both good and bad..antiheros rock...

3. Finally belle from beauty and the beast..I am a hopeless romantic. (Although, I have slowly given up on romance) I am a big believer in don't always judge a...
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All great characters my fav would have to be Deadpool and I hope that you have a lovely day. Never give up on love it is out there.

I love sitting around a bonfire and watching the stars drinking hot Apple cider..that's what I look forward to every fall..the weather gets a little chilly but no snow and ice...I like how smores flavored stuff comes out and the warm of a fire makes life better...

wow that sounds so good 10/10 would apple cider again

I am big on self sufficiency. I don't like to rely on anyone so...

1. How to change a tire

2. How to do your own oil change

and finally.....

3. (when absolutely necessary) flirt to get someone else to help you with anything....

lol I agree with the first three but the last one well be a little harder for some people then it would be for you

I was looking for fun stuff to do this weekend as per usual and realized my dj has a comedy gig in Indy. Go see cody east...he is super funny..


Or pick up a copy of sweet dream for Laura by s.r. Miller ...


I am so excited right now, between my set going up in July and all the love of gotten for it, I now have one more thing that tops off my last few months.. I hatched a growlith tonight. Its one of my favorite pokemon and I hatched it..yay...didn't get set of the day ( will try harder next time) but I have a growlith...:D


There is one thing I will never do again...I will never get a tattoo I need to cover up. I regret my first tat on my back..the needle broke and the dude kept tattoo...the guy was the owner of the shop and I thought that would be ok. He botched my design, the lines are thick and nasty...I can not wait to get my cover...
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I am excited to say my altar is almost ready to be put up...I haven't had an altar in years and am finally able to gather up Crystal, stone runes, tarot, incense, and sage..even a new altar cloth. All I need is a God and goddess candle, some offerings, and a few other things...

I will need to do a clearing and house blessing before...
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So my set has been up for just over 5 hours. I'm so excited and still a little nervous. I couldn't sleep last night. So if you haven't yet please swing over to my page, take a look and give me your feedback. Much love to all my followers and thank you for the support

Love your smile on it. May be you were little bit anxious. But very nice and really congrats for the first one! Hope it is just the first one of a long list ;-)
You just need to realize how beautiful you are and it will shine through. I am looking forward to every post you have. ❤️

I love to listen to music but I would have to say I will not bow by breaking Benjamin is the soundtrack to my life.

It has taken a little bit for me to accept myself and I'm still working on it. I refuse to bow down to what society or people believe I should be. I will not bow is definitely my jam.