i was running. i had so much to say, but you were always just ahead of me. moving deftly through the crowd. i had said, "hello". you looked at me, with a sweet smile, and said, "what the hell took you so long?", and started running. so it began.
we were running together. away from them. away from something... i don't remember really. but...
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Lovely. Hope you're doing well.
hey if you want to get pierced at the phrougbhouy's sg detriot piercing party then you need to email me with what you want done. this needs to be done by the 27th, which will also be the payment due date. information on how to make payment will be updated in the next few days...can't wait to see you there... kiss kiss kiss

also, make sure you rsvp for the birthday party's at jd's key club on august 27th...come celebrate all of the virgo's birthday's with me... kiss kiss kiss
went home for the weekend to relax with the family. i just needed to get the hell out of athens for a while. it was pretty helpful i think.

this past week was finals week (for first summer session), so i was pretty busy, and didn't have a lot of time to work on my art projects. but i was able to finish one sketch...
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that sounds like a great tattoo. i cant wait to see it.
Looks like it will take a long time to do. A lot of ink, and pretty expensive. But very cool. When I went to the Van's Warped Tour with my mom (she's so freakin cool some times), they had the air brush tats. She almost conviced me to get one just for fun. If it hadn't been a thousand degrees that day I maybe would have. I could never gear myself up enough to get a real one. Henna, sure, but not the real thing. In fact, if I had someone talented enough, I have a kick ass design I'd love done on my whole back. I'll have to see if I can dig it up, see what you think....
here's an ideea. i am really bored, and i'm going to start doing art again. more importantly, i need money. but i also need a lot of practice doing figure drawing. so what i propose is this:

post a pic of yourself, or give me a link. it can be your face, whole-body, random-body-part, clothed, nude, whatever. but it has to be you. i...
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LOL. That's too funny. You couldn't just click the one at the right?
well, I suppose since you know the syntax for all of them, then I will let you slide....have you done any art yet?
random note, i got my labret pierced about a week ago. hopefully when i'm less lazy, i'll take a picture and post. i need to get a new profil pic anyway.
i feel so empty. i don't even know what i want to do anymore. not that i did anyway. i guess nothing has changed. i still feel lost, and alone. just like always. always alone...

*hugs* early happy birthday. your not truley alone you know-i'm right here for you, and so are the rest of your friends, hang in there

can't you see the way i cannot look at you
knowing i can never move your way
sad it seems to know that i can never change
but i wish that i could do it
for you

face that haunts my dreams
if only i could know your name
then maybe i could become something more
anything to push aside these fears
the courage...
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well hell stranger. what the fuck has been up with you. thanks for stopping by and seeing me. i'm hardly ever around, either lately. which i'm very upset about. i need to find a way to invent more time for myself. you know like one of those watch thingies from harry potter.

how have you been. when are you going to make it to a bento's get together?
Lovely. I hope I can keep my connection now. and that we will chat again soon. Until then! me.
resigned to wait and dream
of days without regret
of happiness that will not fade

there is never anything to lose
no reason to hold back
just let go and find a way
to move past your fears
and fly
Very nice...I should ask you the same questions! As for me, this past one was right off the top of my head. Some of them almost seem planned out. But most of the time it just seems like I have words that get stuck in my head, a phrase that I create. It swirls around for hours until it just seems to come together with other words and I race to find a notebook to write it all down.

I wonder if I'll ever be able "to move past [my] fears." I would settle for a nice walk in the park, let alone flight....lol
"sometimes i think i'm happy here
sometimes yeah, i still pretend
i can't remember how this got started
oh, but i can tell you
exactly how it will end

every day is exactly the same
every day is exactly the same
there is no love here
and there is no pain
every day is exactly the same"
~ nine inch nails, "every day is exactly...
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Hey. I'm doing better today. Just wanted to say hi. Hope you're well.
fuck. i think my new medication is doing a lot more harm than good.

i hate this shit