That pretty much sums things up.
As for the details...
Karla's mother changed her mind about her coming down, so I didn't get to see her (she's a highschool senior, but then, i'm only 19, so it doesn't matter). In lieu of coming down, she got a date on Friday (there is pretty much a line of guys wanting to "be" with her.... meaning they just want to jump her bones boys make me mad... (and yes, I irrritate myself most of the time...)). I'm fine with that, suprisingly, because she had a good time, and apparently he's a pretty nice guy.
I was talking to her online that night, and had actually told her a little of how I felt for her, and that I would be there for her always, no matter what she needed. Which apparently good timing because right after that, her ex-boyfriend found out about her date and went fucking nuts... He started berating her, online, for going out with this guy and made her exceedingly upset. She copy and pasted the conversation to me, and I wish that i could have found that boy and smacked the shit out of him. I don't understand how people can be so rude, or obnoxious or downright STUPID AND ASSHOLISH he kept this up for a while, and I was there, just trying to keep her from breaking down. I just wish that I was able to do something... *sigh*
Also, she reminded me of how she's having a hard time dealing with all these boys. I've all ready stated my thoughts on that, so I won't repeat them. But because of that, I've backed off, and am giving her space to figure things out. I have a friend that is friends with her though, so he can tell me how she's doing. I just don't want her all stressing out over this.
Good god, I've typed a lot, but I still haven't told the whole story. damn it... i'm no good at this. I'm just all worried and confused and just fucked up in general. Hell, maybe I should give myself some space to figure things out...
*big hug* dude, if you wanna talk...