I was wandering through my cousin's art studio one day...
When I chanced upon a scrap of wood that was stray....
It seems as though someone had painted a heart...
One object finished though mine had yet to start...
So I took the opportunity to take part...
With staples and wire in macabre stich...
Red handprints for the blood of the art...
Gold fingertips for the urge to get rich...
But as most of you will surely see...
The core is mostly empty...
Begin Transmission
Mission Yeeing successful.
Ogre, Spectre, Mouse, [Ruthless], Gia, Edea, Remma all showed.
The end is near.
Taste the air.
Feel the darkness creeping like honey, [smooth and sticky?] and spilling shadows across plain sight.
I'm broke.
Need ta hustle sumbody tonight.
I'mma go handle that shit.
Wraith out.
End Transmission
you made me laugh...and I would like to thank you for that...yes I am moving to Boston beantown!! Well if you are serious about that b day gift and smile on my face...I totally want the SG guys hoodie...the medium too cause they dont have anything smaller...haha but whatever's cool...I'm not very picky...only with food, but not with clothes and other shit...well actually I kind of am to a point cause you wont find me wearing some skank's underwear if she asked me to HAHAHA anyways I'm going to bed now...me sick...night night and I look forward to meeting you...